Monday, January 31, 2011

USA: “Nobody Gets Married Any More, Mister”

I attended an all White High School in South Africa in the 80's. I can remember one of the girls getting pregnant - what a scandal that caused! She didn't show her face at school from the time the story broke. We later heard that she had completed her schooling through a community college as no school would accept her back. Those were the good old days when girls knew, that if they screwed up, they were out on their ear. There was a social stigma and a price tag attached to a teen pregnancy, and as a result, the number of teen pregnancies was very low. There were no abortions in those days so the girls knew that if they got pregnant they either put the baby up for adoption or they had to raise the baby themselves - with NO government handouts. It was them, the father and the respective families' job to raise that kid. This of course has all changed under the Marxist ANC government, which actively supports and encourages abortion and has implemented welfare payments and free health care to these girls. In fact, in one school alone in South Africa, there are currently 30 girls pregnant and they're proud of it. The same goes for America and the UK. Below is a good summary of just why it is amoral to support teen mothers with continuous welfare. Has anyone sat down and looked at the stats regarding how many teens were pregnant when there wasn't any of the welfare for these girls? And then the USA complains that it's bankrupt! But, the democrats (and I'm sure some in the Republican party too) all shy away from slashing these types of welfare programs - after all, they're achieving their goal of state-dependent dumbed-down citizens. Why would they want to change it?? These are their next generation of voters and as long as Daddy Government keeps that free dough coming, they're not complaining! In fact, they just push out more and more for that free money.....whilst the moral work to support them.

In my short time as a teacher in Connecticut, I have muddled through President Bush’s No Child Left Behind act, which tied federal funding of schools to various reforms, and through President Obama’s Race to the Top initiative, which does much the same thing, though with different benchmarks. Thanks to the feds, urban schools like mine—already entitled to substantial federal largesse under Title I, which provides funds to public schools with large low-income populations—are swimming in money. At my school, we pay five teachers to tutor kids after school and on Saturdays. They sit in classrooms waiting for kids who never show up. We don’t want for books—or for any of the cutting-edge gizmos that non–Title I schools can’t afford: computerized whiteboards, Elmo projectors, the works. Our facility is state-of-the-art, thanks to a recent $40 million face-lift, with gleaming new hallways and bathrooms and a fully computerized library.

Here’s my prediction: the money, the reforms, the gleaming porcelain, the hopeful rhetoric about saving our children—all of it will have a limited impact, at best, on most city schoolchildren. Urban teachers face an intractable problem, one that we cannot spend or even teach our way out of: teen pregnancy. This year, all of my favorite girls are pregnant, four in all, future unwed mothers every one. There will be no innovation in this quarter, no race to the top. Personal moral accountability is the electrified rail that no politician wants to touch.

My first encounter with teen pregnancy was a girl named Nicole, a pretty 15-year-old who had rings on every finger and great looped earrings and a red pen with fluffy pink feathers and a heart that lit up when she wrote with it. Hearts seemed to be on everything—in her signature, on her binder; there was often a little plastic heart barrette in her hair, which she had dyed in bright hues recalling a Siamese fighting fish. She was enrolled in two of my classes: English and journalism.

My main gripe with Nicole was that she fell asleep in class. Each morning—bang!—her head hit the desk. Waking her was like waking a badger. Nicole’s unmarried mother, it turned out, worked nights, so Nicole would slip out with friends every evening, sometimes staying out until 3 am, and then show up in class exhausted, surly, and hungry.

After a dozen calls home, her mother finally got back to me. Your daughter is staying out late, I reported. The voice at the other end of the phone sounded abashed and bone-weary. “I know, I know, I’m sorry,” she repeated over and over. “I’ll talk to her. I’m sorry.”

For a short time, things got better. Nicole’s grades started to improve. Encouraged, I hectored and cajoled and praised her every small effort. She was an innately bright girl who might, if I dragged her by the heels, eventually survive the rigors of a community college.

Then one morning, her head dropped again. I rapped my knuckles on her desk. “Leave me alone, mister,” she said. “I feel sick.”

There was a sly exchange of looks among the other girls in class, a giggle or two, and then one of them said: “She’s pregnant, Mr. Garibaldi.”

She lifted her face and smiled at her friends, then dropped her head back down. I picked up my grimy metal garbage can and set it beside her desk, just in case. A moment later she vomited, and I dispatched her to the nurse. In the years since, I’ve escorted girls whose water has just broken, their legs trembling and wobbly, to the principal’s office, where their condition barely raises an eyebrow.

Within my lifetime, single parenthood has been transformed from shame to saintliness. In our society, perversely, we celebrate the unwed mother as a heroic figure, like a fireman or a police officer. During the last presidential election, much was made of Obama’s mother, who was a single parent. Movie stars and pop singers flaunt their daddy-less babies like fishing trophies.

None of this is lost on my students. In today’s urban high school, there is no shame or social ostracism when girls become pregnant. Other girls in school want to pat their stomachs. Their friends throw baby showers at which meager little gifts are given. After delivery, the girls return to school with baby pictures on their cell phones or slipped into their binders, which they eagerly share with me. Often they sit together in my classes, sharing insights into parenting, discussing the taste of Pedialite or the exhaustion that goes with the job. On my way home at night, I often see my students in the projects that surround our school, pushing their strollers or hanging out on their stoops instead of doing their homework.

Connecticut is among the most generous of the states to out-of-wedlock mothers. Teenage girls like Nicole qualify for a vast array of welfare benefits from the state and federal governments: medical coverage when they become pregnant (called “Healthy Start”); later, medical insurance for the family (“Husky”); child care (“Care 4 Kids”); Section 8 housing subsidies; the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program; cash assistance. If you need to get to an appointment, state-sponsored dial-a-ride is available. If that appointment is college-related, no sweat: education grants for single mothers are available, too. Nicole didn’t have to worry about finishing the school year; the state sent a $35-an-hour tutor directly to her home halfway into her final trimester and for six weeks after the baby arrived.

In theory, this provision of services is humane and defensible, an essential safety net for the most vulnerable—children who have children. What it amounts to in practice is a monolithic public endorsement of single motherhood—one that has turned our urban high schools into puppy mills. The safety net has become a hammock.

The young father almost always greets the pregnancy with adolescent excitement, as if a baby were a new Xbox game. In Nicole’s case, the father’s name was David. David manfully walked Nicole to class each morning and gave her a kiss at the door. I had him in homeroom and asked if he planned to marry her. “No” was his frank answer. But he did have plans to help out. David himself lived with his mother. His dad had served a short sentence in prison for drug possession and ran a motorcycle-repair shop somewhere upstate. One afternoon, David proudly opened his father’s website to show me the customized motorcycles he built. There he was, the spit and image of his son, smiling atop a gleaming vintage Harley, not a care in the world.

Boys without fathers, like David, cultivate an overweening bravado to overcome a deeper sense of vulnerability and male confusion. They strut, swear, and swagger. There’s a he-man thing to getting a girl pregnant that marks you as an adult in the eyes of your equally unmoored peers. But a boy’s interest in his child quickly vanishes. When I ask girls if the father is helping out with the baby, they shrug. “I don’t care if he does or not,” I’ve heard too often.

As for girls without fathers, they are often among my most disruptive students. You walk on eggshells with them. You broker remarks, you negotiate insults, all the while trying to pull them along on a slender thread. Their anger toward male authority can be lacerating. They view trips to the principal’s office like victory laps.

With Nicole, I dug in. In journalism class, I brought up the subject of teen pregnancy and suggested that she and a friend of hers, Maria, write a piece together about their experiences. They hesitated; I pressed the matter. “Do you think getting pregnant when you’re a teenager is a good thing or a bad thing?”

“Depends,” Nicole replied caustically, glancing at Maria and another friend, Shanice, for support. They knew this was coming and went on the defensive.

“On what?”

“My mom and my grandma both got pregnant when they were teens, and they’re good mothers.”

“Nobody gets married any more, mister,” Shanice and Maria chime in. “You’re just picking on us because we have kids.”

At this point, my “picking” has only just begun. It’s partly for their benefit, but mostly for the other girls in the room, who haven’t said a word. As much as Nicole is aware of her mother’s sacrifices, she is equally proud of her mother’s choice to keep her. It’s locked away in her heart like a cameo. They’re best friends, she offers. The talk turns to her mother’s loyalty and love, and soon the class rises in a choir to mom’s defense.

“Fine,” I say, glowering like Heath Ledger’s Joker. “If that’s your position, like any good journalist, you have to back up your arguments with facts and statistics.”

As do most of my 11th-graders, Nicole reads at a fifth-grade level, which means I must peruse the articles and statistics along with her, side by side. She groans each time I pick out a long article and counts the number of pages before she reads. With my persistent nudging, she and Maria begin to pull out the statistics for the children of single parents. From the FBI: 63 percent of all suicides are individuals from single-parent households. From the Centers for Disease Control: 75 percent of adolescents in chemical-dependency hospitals come from single-parent households. From the Children’s Defense Fund: more than half of all youths incarcerated for criminal acts come from single-parent households. And so on.

“I don’t want to write about this!” Nicole complains. “I’ve changed my mind.”


“Nobody wants to read it.”

I point out that they committed to it. If they don’t complete the essay by the due date, they know I will give them an F.

Their first drafts are little more than two scribbled paragraphs, which they toss to me as a completed assignment and I toss back. Maria, in particular, rebels. She wants to recast the article in a rosier vein and talk about how happy her son makes her. It’s in these light skirmishes that we have our richest discussions. When the girls open up, their vague doubts come to the surface, and my flinty-eyed circuit preacher melts away. A father myself, I understand a parent’s love. Our talk turns more sweetly to teething cures, diaper rashes, and solid food. Nicole listens to us with tender interest. It’s in these moments that I feel most effective as a teacher. I suggest ways of incorporating that love into the piece, while also hoping that some of these grim statistics have gotten through to them.

As morbid as it sounds, the students take an interest in obituary writing. I have them write their own obits, fictional biographies that foretell the arc of their lives. From Nicole’s, I learn that her mother was 16 when she had Nicole; her father, 14. After high school, the fictional Nicole went on to have four more kids—with strangely concocted names, all beginning with M—whom she loved dearly and who loved her dearly. She also left six grandchildren. She died of old age in her bed.

“Nicole, you never got married?” I remarked.

“No,” she responded with a note of obstinacy in her voice.

“I think you would make a wonderful wife for someone.”

“I would make a good wife,” she replied. “I know a lot of stuff. But I’m not going to get married.” She was speaking to a hard fate that she was accepting as her future. She was slipping away.

As Nicole entered her third trimester, she had a minor complication with her pregnancy and disappeared for nearly two weeks. She returned, pale and far behind in my classes. She no longer had to report to two classes: physical education and a science lab where strong chemicals were used. The administration didn’t want her to be alone during those periods, and since my schedule coincided with the vacant spots, I was asked to be her chaperone.

For five weeks, Nicole became my shadow. If I had cafeteria duty, she’d happily trot along. I’d buy her a candy bar and she’d plop down in the seat beside me. I’d also escort her to her restroom runs, which were frequent, and wait for her outside the door. She carried a grainy sonogram picture of the baby, framed in a pink card with a stork on the front. Gazing at it with a smile, I felt my duplicity and the ragged trap of my convictions.

Her paleness and fatigue alarmed me. I carried Vitamin C drops in my pocket and slipped her a constant supply. A second private concern began to nag at me: the father in me wanted to be protective and kind, but Nicole was becoming too connected with me. She blew off assignments regularly now. When I admonished her, she only giggled and promised to get them done. She trusted me and would never think that falling behind in my classes would result in a failing grade. Life had allowed her to slide before, through every year of her education, as others in her life had slid—starting with her father, whom she barely recalled.

I felt that I was being drawn into this undertow. A simple D would ease everyone’s load, particularly mine, and Nicole wouldn’t register yet another betrayal of trust. More than anything, she wanted a buoy in her choppy sea.

Nicole failed both my classes, which meant summer school. When she returned the following year, she was in good spirits. The birth of her son had gone well. She had a heart-adorned album full of photos of her boy. Things were settled, she said. She was going to work hard this year; she felt motivated, even eager. And by year’s end, her reading level had indeed risen nearly two grades—but it was still far below what she would need to score as proficient on the Connecticut Academic Performance Test, one of the yardsticks for accountability in Title I schools.

The path for young, unwed mothers—and for their children—can be brutal. Consider how often girls get molested in their own homes after Mom has decided to let her boyfriend move in. The boyfriend splits the rent and the food bill, but he often sees his girlfriend’s teenage daughter as fair game. Teachers whisper their suspicions in the lunchroom or in the hallways when they notice that one of their students has become suddenly emotional, that her grades have inexplicably dropped, or that she stays late after school to hang out in her teacher’s classroom or begins sleeping over at a friend’s house several nights a week. Sometimes she simply disappears.

And there are other dangers. I once had a student named Jasmine, who had given birth over the summer. She did just enough to earn Ds in my class. One day, I observed her staring off mulishly into space for nearly the entire period, not hearing a word I said and ignoring her assignment. At the end of class, I took her aside and asked, with some irritation, what the matter was.

Her eyes welled with tears. “I gave my son to his father to look after yesterday. When I picked him up, he had bruises on his head and a cut.” Her son was six months old.

Honestly? I just wanted that day to go by. But we have a duty to our students, both moral and legal. “You have to be a brave mama and report him,” I said. I led her to the office and to the school social worker, and I tipped off the campus trooper. Even with that support, she backed off from filing a complaint and shortly afterward dropped out of school to be with her baby.

My students often become curious about my personal life. The question most frequently asked is, “Do you have kids?”

“Two,” I say.

The next question is always heartbreaking.

“Do they live with you?”

Every fall, new education theories arrive, born like orchids in the hothouses of big-time university education departments. Urban teachers are always first in line for each new bloom. We’ve been retrofitted as teachers a dozen times over. This year’s innovation is the Data Wall, a strategy in which teachers must test endlessly in order to produce data about students’ progress. The Obama administration has spent lavishly to ensure that professional consultants monitor its implementation.

Every year, the national statistics summon a fresh chorus of outrage at the failure of urban public schools. Next year, I fear, will be little different.


Time cover

In case you've missed it, Time magazine is trying to brainwash convince the American people that Obama and Reagan are basically the same type of politician - yes, sure, one is a Republican and the other a whackjob Liberal Neo-Communist Democrat - but when you get right down and dirty, they apparently share the same principles. According to Obama, he just loooooovvvvveeeeesssss Raegan, so much so that he read all about him over the Christmas break (he made sure that the panting liberal MSM got a photo of the Reagan book he was reading). Of course, Time jumped on that tiny bit of centrist BS propaganda and hurried to put the two Presidents on the cover of their latest magazine - with Reagan's arm around Obama to boot. It nearly brought me to tears  so touched was I.....


But, what you didn't see till now was this.....ahhh.... that's more like it. Thanks for straightening us out, Ronny.


Saturday, January 29, 2011

South Africa: Never apologise for Apartheid

Watch and get educated with some facts that the world has forgotten or chosen to ignore in their effort to accept the New South Africa...

Friday, January 28, 2011

USA: Portland city government has paper delivered by trike

Wanted: crazy tricycle pilots willing to risk their lives and others in heavy downtown traffic during rain and snow!! Please respond to Mayor Sam Adams for these essential, priority government positions! Actually, it's quite ironic - putting Americans into the Chinese Rickshaw business and the Chinese into cars! Next the American's will be eating bugs and cats....oh, wait.....

Officials in Portland are having paper and office supplies delivered on giant tricycles to cut out harmful tailpipe emissions, the city said on Thursday.

Under a deal signed last week with Office Depot, the company is subcontracting with a local firm called B-Line that has riders pedal giant tricycles mounted with cargo containers.

It's in those cargo containers that B-Line riders are carrying the Office Depot supplies, to nine city offices in the traffic-congested downtown area.

"It's important for the city of Portland to set an example and be a leader to other businesses in the Portland area and use sustainable business practices whenever possible," Mayor Sam Adams said in a statement.

B-Line fields six riders on the rickshaw-style cargo trikes, which can each carry up to 800 pounds of cargo, according to the company.

It's not all huffing and puffing for the company's riders. If they get bogged down from fatigue, a zero-emission electric engine on the trike gives them a boost, said Franklin Jones, B-Line founder and chief executive.

Delivering cargo by trike might be a novel concept, but Portland has long been known as a bike-crazy city, where all sorts of commuters, from lawyers to store clerks, pedal along on specially dedicated lanes.

Source (thanks to Weasel Zippers for the picture)

USA: Tim Wise - anti-White liberal who hates right wingers and wants them dead

I have just come across a person with the name of Tim Wise. Apparently he's known in the USA for his Marxist-liberal ideology and he hates all Right leaning White folk and wants them to die (wonder if they should suffer or would a clean shot be better for you Mr Wise?). Ahh - you gotta love these "Progressive's" for their tolerance and understanding of people with a different opinion to them. But, no, Mr Wise was at the back of the line when God handed out functioning brains it seems. I'm sure Mr Wise thinks he's very witty and intelligent – his day job, after all is to visit US College's and preach to the young, gullible fertile minds, about how white man = evil and any other race = good. He admits in the video clip below, that gosh, he has a White wife and White kids - I mean, it's OK for him to stick to his own race but everyone else needs to be diversified! Of course, it goes without saying that his family are the chosen ones and are allowed to live as they are not Right wing. He is also an anti-racist activist and has a Jewish father. Yeah, there it is again; another liberal Jew White race hater. Just seems to be so darn many of them around these days. I wonder if they get born with a defective gene that activates when they hear the words "White man" and "slavery" in the same sentence. In any case, during his College years, he was part of the anti-Apartheid movement. Of course he was! That was, after all, the obligatory group to join for any White male with a small penis back in the 70-80's. It seems Mr Wise has forgotten to visit South Africa recently to see how his social justice experiment turned out. I see that he has 2 daughters aged 9 and 7. He should definitely take them for an evening stroll through any of the Black South African townships. Not that there is any danger of them being gang-raped and murdered; no, only so that he can see how the true South African Blacks live under his sanctioned Black Marxist ANC government. I wonder if he's heard about the Potgieter family who were brutally murdered in December last year (husband hacked to death with a machete and wife killed with a bullet to the head) and whose 3-year old daughter, Willemien, was also murdered execution style? Mr Wise, in case you haven’t heard: 3 year old Willmien was taken to an outside room by 6 Black males, screaming and crying for her parents; a gun was placed against the back of her head and she was shot dead (we'll hear later if she was also raped – this is the New South Africa's national sport these days. I've posted a picture below to jog your memory). Nah, on second thoughts, I bet you haven't heard about her because you would’ve gone on CNN to say how happy you are that these vile, evil White Afrikaners are finally getting what they deserve!

Potgieter Willemien 3 massacred on Lindley farm execution style Dec12010
Mr Wise is a very busy man – he makes his money ramping up anti-White hate-speech. He is way too busy to actually practise what he preaches i.e living in these Marxist Utopias he so readily preaches about. Ahh, yes, these superior Progressives - how ever would we cope as a species without having their higher intellect and moral standards imposed on our lives? I for one am very grateful to Mr Wise - he reminds me daily why I am a White race realist and I don't plan on dying for a while. Sorry to disappoint you, Mr Wise.....

School defends experiment to separate black students in a bid to boost their academic results

Seems like evil Apartheid isn't as evil as people wanted to believe. I'm finding more and more articles like the one below that supports the basic Apartheid principle - that races need to stick to their own. Have a read below. The Principal of a school in Pennsylvania has looked at the history and stats and is using them to better educate his Black students. No PC tap dancing around the issue - just plain results and stats to go on. It is no accident that Black students did better 20-40 years ago (all over the western world) when their education was segregated and they had 2-parent households. Not only that, the crime stats were also representative of their demographic make-up. Then along came Liberal PC useful idiots and forced everyone together and bang went the western world. We now sit with Black youths hunting in packs; high Black unemployment; doing poorly at school; speaking "gangster rap" (who wants to employ people who can't even speak properly??); and being the highest representative race in jails...Let's hope his little experiment bears some fruit, although I 'm not sure what he can achieve in 6 minutes a day and 20 minutes a month?? 
Bill Jimenez
Principal Bill Jimenez says test results demanded a different approach with students
A high school has defended its decision to segregate students by race and gender.

The scheme, at McCaskey East High School in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, separates black students from the rest of the school pupils, and then further breaks it down into black females and black males.

The separation is only for a short period - six minutes each day and 20 minutes twice a month - but it has drawn criticism for raising the spectre of racial segregation.

Today the school's principal defended the policy.

Bill Jimenez said the school noticed that black students were not performing as well as other students, and that research had shown that same-race classes with strong same-race role models led to better academic results.

Mr Jimenez admitted that no other students were divided by race at the school, but he added that academic data dictated the school take a different approach with its black students.

He told 'One of the things we said when we did this was, "Let's look at the data, let's not run from it. Let's confront it and see what we can do about it".'

The idea came from Angela Tilghman, an instructional coach at McCaskey East.

She said statistics had shown about a third of McCaskey's African-Americans scored proficient or advanced in reading on last year's Pennsylvania System of School Assessment tests, compared with 60 per cent of white students and 42 per cent of students overall.

In mathematics, only 27 per cent of black students scored proficient or advanced.

She said research had shown that grouping black students by gender with a strong role model could boost both academic achievement and self-esteem.

Some students, staff and parents were against the segregation, saying that it ran against everything the school stood for - with students from diverse backgrounds.

But it was something Mr Jimenez thought was worth trying.

In all segregated classes, mentors track their students' grades, test scores and attendance.

One such mentor is Michael Mitchell, who hopes to inspire his black male students during their short daily meetings.

He said he often quoted the Reverend Martin Luther King, who said: 'Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.'

Mr Mitchell recently used the quote when he found that some of his students were failing gym.

He said: 'They're all young. They're all strong. They're all athletic. But they're failing because they chose not to participate.

'That's an example of "conscientious stupidity". You can do but you choose not to do. These are the things we need to get away from.'


Actor Tracy Morgan OpenIy Fantasizes About Sarah Palin On TNT, Says She's Nothing More Than "Masturbation Material"

A Black American actor, Tracy Morgan, said on TNT that Sarah Palin is "good masturbation" material. Really?? Let's wait for the MSM media's outrage in 5,4,3,2,1......Nope - nothing.... Guess it's ok to speak about her in this way in liberal America. It's only when Conservatives say things like this that would get a reaction. It's also, apparently ok for Black men to talk about White women in this way. Now, wonder what would happen if a White actor had said that about Michelle Obama (not that anyone would cause she's ugly)?

The old stereotype about all Black men secretly lusting after White women was publicly resurrected during TNT's pre-game "Inside The NBA" segment prior to the January 27th contest between the New York Knicks and the Miami Heat. Actor Tracy Morgan had been invited onto the show by analysts Kenny Smith and Charles Barkley in hopes that the comedian could settle an argument, namely, who was better-looking: Morgan's "30 Rock" co-star Tina Fey or Sarah Palin. At the 0:32 minute point of the video embedded below, Morgan said "Yo, let me tell you something about Sarah Palin. She's good masturbation material. The glasses and all of that…great material."

Notice how the two Black analysts, Charles Barkley and Kenny Smith, laughed uproariously, while the token White analyst, Ernie Johnson, tolerated in the new Black-dominated NBA environment primarily to pay lip service to diversity, appeared to be somewhat discomfited. But he wasn't about to dare to speak out, of course.

Within minutes, after being deluged with outraged phone calls and emails, TNT issued an apology. "It's unfortunate Morgan showed a lack of judgment on our air with his inappropriate comments," said Turner spokesman Jeff Pomeroy in a statement. But of course, since Morgan is not a TNT employee, he cannot be fired.

Sarah Palin herself has chosen not to react to this incident, probably conscious of the fact that a January 20th CNN story held that she may be turning people off by overexposure. She did publish a powerful rebuttal to Obama's State of the Union address. On Conservatives4Palin, one person noted that "Despite the apology, this episode isn’t going to help the NBA broaden its appeal beyond urban liberals". C4P hasn't moved beyond the orchestrated "righty-lefty" split yet. The elite continue to deliberately promote the so-called "righty-lefty" split as a mechanism to deflect Americans, particularly the White community, from thinking about race, along with the fact that race replacement is taking place in the United States. Or, at the very least, to cow people into believing that such replacement is inevitable, natural, and even desirable.

USA: American Renaissance conference stymied

So this is how free speech works in America! Only if you AGREE with the liberals/progressives/communists/Black race hustlers are you allowed to have your say. Anybody who doesn't gets crushed by the bullies. Now I get it! And here I thought that America was tolerant and allowed everyone their say....Guess American Rennaisance is going to have to find a "secret" location to hold it's next conference as the hotel they've booked has canceled their reservation - after being fully informed by AR who they are and what they stand for. Seems like some intolerant Black racist hustler, who is a City councillor, waved his magic Black finger and - poof - no more conference. Wow - he must feel so good about himself such a man of power! What a big man he is - scared of a few hundred little nationalists. What - did he think they were going to go on a rampage in the city and lynch anyone not the same color as them? Mr Big City Councillor - get over yourself you little bully. People who support AR are usually a lot more intelligent than the average Democrat KKK member. You should rather stick to doing your council work - for which you earn a salary and mind your own business. You need a good dose of STFU.

Here's the BIG MAN, Patrick Cannon
When a white nationalist magazine announced a conference in Charlotte, anarchists and other groups vowed to protest or disrupt the gathering.

But behind the scenes the conference apparently met an unexpected obstacle: Charlotte City Council member Patrick Cannon.

On Wednesday, American Renaissance magazine said plans for its annual conference are now in limbo because the hotel where it was scheduled to take place canceled the reservation.

An e-mail Cannon sent to a constituent early this week suggested he was lobbying local hotels to refuse to book American Renaissance.

Cannon wrote that he had contacted hotels and that "they seem to be cooperating."

"An attempt was made for accommodations at another hotel but based on what I ask to take place they were denied again," the e-mail said.

Jared Taylor, American Renaissance editor, said Cannon's e-mail violated the First Amendment.

"It's unconscionable (that) public officials would try to interfere in private contractual affairs," Taylor said. "We have never run into this before."

In a brief interview Wednesday, Cannon said he sent the e-mail to "update a constituent on where things stood."

"By no means would I be in the business of trying to violate someone's rights," Cannon said.

The news came on the same day that the Jewish Defense Organization posted a statement on its website, saying City Council member Warren Turner sent an e-mail to Charlotte hotels about the conference.

Turner denied contacting hotels to stop the conference.

American Renaissance is published by the nonprofit New Century Foundation. The group advocates what it calls "race realism." The Southern Poverty Law Center, which tracks such organizations, says Klansmen, neo-Nazis and other white supremacists gather at Renaissance conferences.

Organizers scheduled a conference Feb. 4-6 at the Sheraton Charlotte Airport Hotel near Charlotte/Douglas International Airport. The group booked 100 rooms at the eight-story hotel, where rooms cost as much as $225 a night.

But the hotel released a statement Wednesday saying officials canceled the reservation for the safety of guests. Organizers did not reveal the nature of the conference when they booked the hotel, the statement said.

Taylor, the magazine editor, disputed the hotel's account. "We leveled completely with the hotel," he said. "They said they understood."

American Renaissance has tried to reserve rooms at other hotels but has been rebuffed, Taylor said.

Taylor said Cannon's e-mail reflected intolerance and was "profoundly hypocritical."

Richard Toenjes, associate director of UNC Charlotte's Center for Professional and Applied Ethics, said Cannon's e-mail could be construed as a violation of free speech.

"If the person used his or her name which would be recognized as the name of a council member, I'd say the member was functioning as a public official and hence out of line interfering with protected free speech," Toenjes said.

But Scott Huffmon, a professor of political science at Winthrop University, said merely warning hotels about the upcoming conference is within the rights of elected officials.

"Alerting the hotels and saying this isn't good for our image is using the bully pulpit, but not necessarily unethical," Huffmon said. "If he tried to use the position to cajole, coerce or bully that would be different."


Number of British Muslims will double to 5.5m in 20 years

How many more studies do we need to start listening? Should the Muslim population continue to grow at the current rate in the UK, by 2030 they will be 10% of the population - the level where they start imposing their laws, culture and religion on the rest of the population. This religion is like a festering wound, left untreated, it just eats the flesh up around it until the poison enters the bloodstream. These Muslims walk around the streets in their black robes and masks like they own the place - they know it's only a matter of time. All the while they outbreed the local people and the government looks the other way. By 2030 the UK will have more Muslims in the country than Kuwait! Winston Churchill is probably turning in his grave. This is the same nation who fought a war with the Boers in South Africa at the turn of the last century, and put our women and children in concentration camps to die. What for?  

On the rise: Muslim migration is fuelling the booming population

The Muslim population in the UK will almost double to 5.5million within 20 years, it was claimed last night.

According to a worldwide study of the spread of Islam nearly one in ten Britons will be Muslim by 2030.

And the forecasts mean Britain would have more Muslims than Kuwait and close to the number found in America, even though five times as many people live there.

An increase in the Muslim population from its current 2.8million will be mainly driven by immigration, according to figures prepared by a Washington think tank.

‘The greatest increases in the Muslim share of the population – driven primarily by continued migration – are likely to occur in Western and Northern Europe, where Muslims will be approaching double-digit percentages of the population in several countries,’ it said.

Britain has long had high immigration levels from some Muslim countries, notably Pakistan and Bangladesh, and in recent years has seen high numbers of migrants from Islamic parts of Africa.

The Pew report also cited high birthrates. It said that ‘generally, Muslim populations tend to have higher fertility rates than non-Muslim populations’.

The study used past population changes, migration figures and fertility rates to estimate changing Islamic populations. By 2030 Muslims will make up 26 per cent of the world’s projected population of 8.3billion, up from 23 per cent of the estimated 2010 world population of 6.9billion, it said.

Those figures represent an increase from 1.6billion in 2010 to 2.2billion in 2030, a rise of 35 per cent.

The analysis comes amid continuing debate over the views of Muslims in Britain and attitudes towards them.

Last week Tory Party chairman Baroness Warsi said prejudice against Muslims is seen as normal and called for people to stop categorising them.


Thursday, January 27, 2011

Why Do White Protestant Societies Wither? South Africa As A Case Study

Illana Mercer is an ex-South African, US based conservative writer and below is the speech she gave to the 3rd Annual Meeting of the HL Mencken Club, October 23 2010. She attempts to get to the bottom of why White South Africa handed the country over to Black rule and asks the question of whether WASP mentality is to blame (White Anglo-Saxon Protestants). For the record, I agree that our Christian principles played a significant role in us peacefully handing over the country - along with trust in our government at the time. Boy were we stupid back then....

Peter Brimelow with Ilana Mercer at 2010 H.L. Mencken Club conference
The topic of my talk today—also the title of a chapter in my forthcoming book, Into the Cannibal’s Pot: Lessons for America From Post-Apartheid South Africa—directly relates to the theme of this conference: the thing we deprecate with the epithet "political correctness."

The Law Of Rule

Political Correctness, or PC, is tyranny euphemized. In Orwell’s fiction, the Ministry of Truth is a reified entity. In U.S. reality, there isn't one concrete ministry that decides how the country thinks—there are many such entities. America's many Ministries of Truth include the education system, most churches, the self-anointed "intellectuals," the ruling duopoly and their attendant TV bobbleheads. They issue countless edicts. This "dark art of rule" demands obedience. Choose to disobey, and you risk public shame, libel, and loss of livelihood.

Sometimes The Ministries of Truth will lunge for your property in the form of a law suit. Canada’s Ministries have a special Kangaroo Court in which they judge un-PC speech. Traditional legal defenses have been barred—for example, truth; or, the lack of intent to harm.

PC is the law of rule—mob rule—as opposed to the rule of law.

This self-inflicted tyranny, so typical of Western societies, plays a role in collapsing our societies. It is the perfect segue to the topic of my talk. Over the last three years I’ve been consumed with one mission, and that is writing a book about my old homeland, South Africa, and getting it published in my new home, the USA (which happened to help kill off the old).

Phase one of the mission has been achieved.

Those who’re in the process of publishing on the topic of immigration will forgive me for saying this, but Peter Brimelow wrote everything there is to write about the topic. Steve Sailer (not Dinesh D'Souza) has done the same in analyzing Obama’s pigment burden. And Paul Gottfried said it all about the neoconnery and the conservative movement.

Similarly, in a sane world, Into the Cannibal’s Pot would become the standard reference for when the truth about the death of South Africa begins to matter. But, realistically, I’m afraid that we’ll continue to be force-fed with Richard Stengel’s serialized tributes to Saint Mandela. (Stengel, a TIME magazine editor, has completed two. It’s possible that a third is planned.)

Burkean or Kirkean, Into the Cannibal’s Pot is a polemical work, anchored in history, reality, fact, and the political philosophy of classical liberalism. It is a manifesto against mass society, arguing against raw democracy, here, there, and everywhere. My book follows Russell Kirk’s contention that "true freedom can be found only within the framework of a social order." It is a reminder that civilized societies are fragile. They can, and will, crumble in culturally inhospitable climes.

Let me return to the tyranny of PC, so unique to the West—even playing a role in its near-collapse. For white Protestant societies don’t just die: they either wither from within. Or, like South Africa, they are finished off by other white Protestant societies.

The fate of South Africa was sealed by "The Anglo-American-Australian Axis Of Evil" (yet another chapter in Into the Cannibal’s Pot), which helped to bring the old, orderly South Africa to its political knees.

Ambrose Bierce is supposed to have said "War is God's way of teaching Americans geography." The US might not have used South Africa as an object geography lesson for the bumper crops of ignoramuses its schools produce, but it certainly doubled down in diplomatic warfare against it.

A Couple Of Culprits

For advocating "constructive engagement" with South Africa, members of his Republican Party launched a coruscating attack on Ronald Reagan. Senator Lowell P. Weicker Jr., in particular, claimed: "For this moment, at least, the President has become an irrelevancy to the ideals, heartfelt and spoken, of America." [Senate, 78 to 21, Overrides Reagan’s Veto and Imposes Sanctions on South Africa, by Steven V. Roberts, New York Times, October 3, 1986]

Republicans had slipped between the sheets with the fashionable Left. Today, they are as eager as the next drug-addled supermodel to press flesh with Nelson Mandela.

In 1990, President Bush Senior expressed his preference to South Africa’s President De Klerk that blacks enjoy "equality of outcomes" instead of "equality of opportunity." [The Afrikaners: biography of a people, By Hermann Buhr Giliomee, p. 639]

Herman Cohen, US Under-Secretary of State for Africa, specified that minorities should not expect a veto. Mandela’s African National Congress, of course, said "No" to minority veto power, power-sharing, or even to any meaningful federalist-style devolution of power to the regions of South Africa. And the ANC’s wish was the command of the power-brokers in Britain and America. In the words of Duke University's Donald L. Horowitz , South Africa’s white minority was commanded "to legislate itself into a position of political subordination." [A Democratic South Africa?: Constitutional Engineering in a Divided Society, P. 95]

A Couple Of Characters

Two Africans: one white one black; one a gentleman, the other a general. The Axis of Evil pushing for democracy in South Africa held white Africans in contempt. With special vengeance did the Axis turn on the Afrikaners (who happen to be as African as black South Africans). But neither was the Zulu minority’s rights safeguarded. Zulu leader Dr. Mangosuthu Gatsha Buthelezi represented (still does) an authentic, indigenous authority. He is also a devout Christian, a capitalist who eschewed populism and has retained the annoying habit of mining the Western canon for what it teaches about liberty.

(Buthelezi recently quoted The Second Coming by W. B. Yeats to describe what has become of his homeland: "Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold; Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world.")

Representing another authentic, indigenous authority: General Constand Viljoen. Viljoen was a military hero and the former chief of the South African Defense Force. He planned on leading an alliance that would have deposed De Klerk and negotiated for an Afrikaner ethnic state. But, being a White Protestant, he decided against it. I’ll come back to him.

The Notional Afro-Saxon Nation

America’s aggressive insistence on “democracy” for South Africa was probably, in part, borne of the ingrained American notion of a propositional nation. Afrikaner patriot Dan Roodt argues convincingly that "American and ANC views on Africa have actually converged." [US, Britain wanted ANC in power, By Dan Roodt,, July 14, 2009] South Africa under the Afrikaners was a European-style nation-state: Christian, and bi-racial, in the main. But under the ANC it has adopted multiculturalism, which Roodt says subsumes an "American radicalism" that "aims at abolishing the nation-state and replacing it with a kind of global corporatism and welfarism."

The ANC is very much a creature of the West. South Africa is now what I call the “Notional Afro-Saxon Nation”.

Israel: One Plucky, Un-PC Friend

Israel was perhaps the only friend the old South Africa had. It was a firm relationship forged in the fires of international excoriation and excommunication. Back then, it was South Africa and Israel against the world.

Despite the sanctions decree of the United States, Israel’s Labor and Likud governments chose barter over boycotts. In 1986, Yitzhak Shamir, at the time Israel’s foreign minister, gave a remarkable—even Jeffersonian—speech in New York. He told his audience "that Israel would not institute sanctions against South Africa." Instead, Jerusalem would leave "entangling alliances" to the great powers and continue its "normal" relations with Pretoria. And so it did. [Israel Won’t Act Against Pretoria, By David Bird, New York Times, September 27, 1985]

More recently, in May of 2010, further proof of the depth of this relationship surfaced. Israel was credibly accused of offering to provide apartheid-era South Africa with nuclear warheads. A book written by Sasha Polakow-Suransky—one of those academics with a gender neutral double–barreled name (The Unspoken Alliance: Israel’s Secret Relationship with Apartheid South Africa) —was meant to disgrace Israel. But it warmed the cockles of this binational heart.

I must be one of the few Jews who are proud of the fact that Israel—in the person of the tough, laconic Yitzhak Shamir—told the US it would take no part in its attempts to cripple South Africa. (For fighting the British mandate in Palestine, Shamir has been described as a terrorist in American paleoconservative circles. Afrikaners, who had been likewise brutalized by the British, disagreed. If anything, the Afrikaners and the Israelis would have been united in their shared hatred of the British.)

Similarly, I rejoiced to read of a 1974 "Top Secret" letter [PDF] that Minister of Defense Shimon Peres wrote to Eschel Rhoodie, a minister in the Vorster government, declassified recently by the ANC in order to embarrass Israel. [Israeli president denies offering nuclear weapons to apartheid South Africa, by Chris McGreal, Rory McCarty, David Smith, The Guardian, May 24, 2010]. In it, Peres spoke about the two countries’ shared determination to resist their enemies and to refuse to submit to the injustices against them.

"Surrender Without Defeat"

So, yes, the Anglo-American axis of evil ganged up on the Afrikaners. Sanctions had a considerable effect—although, having lived through them, I can attest to the fact that times were only truly tough for the blacks, who were supposed to be helped by these measures.

But the question remains: why did the Afrikaner give up his birthright for a mess of pottage?

Often called "The White Tribe of Africa", Afrikaners are perhaps the toughest tribe in Africa. They had a 350-year history on the Continent—as long as their American cousins have been in North America. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, creator of the Sherlock Holmes character, dubbed the modern Boer "the most formidable antagonist who ever crossed the path of Imperial Britain."

So why is it that the Afrikaners, unlike their Israeli allies, failed to endure as a nation-state? Why did the modern Boer burn bright for a relatively short while, and then, despite superior military prowess, simply, as Hermann Giliomee put it in a 1997 journal article, "surrender without defeat"?

I earlier mentioned General Viljoen, the former Chief of the South African Defense Force. "You and I and our men can take this country in an afternoon", Viljoen famously said to the Army Chief, General George Meiring, as President De Klerk was preparing to cave into ANC demands, forgoing all checks and balances for South Africa’s Boer, British and Zulu minorities.

Why on earth did the formidable SADF capitulate to Mandela’s ragtag ANC? And the very same people, in the very same spirit, went on to dismantle the six nuclear devices they had built at Pelindaba, west of Pretoria.

Since it all makes so little sense, my conclusions are more philosophical than factual.

The Pathos Of The Puritan

The pathos and the tragedy of the Afrikaner and the American—a function of a shared Calvinist-Puritan ancestry—is the struggle to reconcile Pietism with power. Some clues as to why white Protestant societies tend to wither from within are offered by Afrikaner novelist W.A. de Klerk (no relation to the traitor president), excerpted in Into the Cannibal’s Pot:

"The basic dilemma of Western man is how to reconcile power with justice. … Those within the Calvinist-Puritan ethic, who secretly yearn for power, find it impossible to do so openly and unashamedly. … Naked power… is not possible for Western Christian man, especially of Calvinist-Puritan leanings. ... For Puritan man, the quest for power—a quest very much alive—cannot be an open bid for supremacy," but, rather, has to be "power acceptable in Christian terms"; it must be power driven by a devotion to a great ideal’.”[ The Puritans in Africa: A Story of Afrikanerdom, 1975]

The Afrikaner’s "great ideal" was inextricably tied to enduring as a biblically sanctified nation. However, if national endurance was to be accomplished, power was absolutely essential. Apartheid was the political superstructure within which the Volk sought safety for what they saw as their divinely-ordained sovereignty.

This "great ideal", however, turned the Boers into something they detested. The people who had fought imperial Britain in Africa’s first anti-colonial war were now lords and masters of their own satrapies: the African Bantustans. Soon, the biblically-blessed country became an Ishmael, an outcast.

Charges of “racism” were especially difficult for them to withstand. Petty perhaps, but no less intolerable for these South African Spartans was their banishment from international sports. Patriots that they are, Afrikaners resented being expected to feel ashamed of their country. Puritans that they were, the resentment soon turned inward.

As an abstraction, the grand ideal of separate but equal development failed to reconcile power with justice. True to type, the Puritans of Africa relinquished the former to achieve the latter.

Consider General Meiring’s response to General Viljoen’s call to take back their beloved country before the ANC seized it:

"Yes, that is so, but what do we do the morning after the coup?"

"Celebrate" is how a member of the African National Congress would have responded to Viljoen.

But then the ANC is unencumbered by the Puritan’s thanatotic urges.


Don't blame Oscars for lack of black nominees

Some Black website posted this offering titled "don't blame Oscars for lack of Black nominees" - which is code speak for exactly the opposite. The poor Blacks are lamenting the fact that there wasn't a single Black nominee in any of the major categories. But, don't you worry neglected Blacks - next year I bet you'll have a stream of Black actors winning the awards to make up for this huge un-PC oversight by the AA committee. I'm not sure about you reader, but I'm kinda tired of watching movies/TV series that have the obligatory Black actor in some high role (usually Chief of Police or Detective, or Head of Surgery - positions both you and I know that most Blacks will never have and which only exist in the Libtard world of racial utopia) and then, not only are they in these positions, but the men usually have a White women panting after them. Throw in the mandatory MF word and I'm completely turned off - that's why I don't support movies at the cinema anymore - I've had my fill of the multi-cultural inter-racial film genre. I would much rather stay at home and watch paint dry. And of course, I refuse to financially support the Hollyweirdo libtards that get to PC preach me through their movies. Hey, just had a wonderful idea! Maybe Black actors and Directors can have their very own pity-party "Blacks only" ceremony. Then they can get ALL the awards! That should make them feel real good and superior about themselves and therefore racial crisis averted!

Don't blame Oscars for lack of black nominees
They had a Black presenter to make up for the Oscar snub
Hollywood and black moviegoers have always had a somewhat, to borrow a phrase from the ubiquitous Facebook, complicated relationship. Nowhere has this complexity been thrown into more stark relief than during the awards season, when the entertainment industry anoints the actors and vehicles it deems worthy of accolades and the public's attention. Which brings us to the contentious and unpredictable Oscars race, which kicks off in earnest today. The Academy Award nominations for 2010 were just announced, and as expected, they did not contain a single black nominee in any of the major categories -- the first time this has happened in roughly a decade, and certainly since Halle Berry and Denzel Washington simultaneously won the top honors in 2002. This is a curious development, considering that the movie industry relentlessly promotes its cultural sensitivity and political correctness.

Ah yes, the Academy Awards: Hollywood's ornate fete to its own monumental ego. Many movie lovers rejoice in the pomp and ceremony of the hours-long marathon display of self-congratulation; others just watch because we're experiencing football withdrawal. Along with the endless scrutiny of who is wearing what, the inevitable controversy will erupt about which movies are "Oscar-worthy", and whether the Academy has done enough to ensure its nominees are adequately representative of a multi-racial, multi-ethnic America.

No doubt the Oscars' overlooking of black industry players this year will come in for sharp criticism, accompanied by hand-wringing and amorphous pledges to do better. Yet the ensuing platitudes are likely to omit a very important detail: with a few notable exceptions, 2010 was a figurative wasteland for black cinema.

By no means should this imply that quality black films do not exist -- plenty do, and the industry is replete with examples of excellent movies with black actors and directors at the helm. The principal problem is that for every emotional Eve's Bayou or Precious, there's a proportionately farcical Soul Plane or a Lottery Ticket. In short, much of what is considered marketable fare in Hollywood skews toward the comedic or romantic variety with an urban (and often buffoonish) flavor. While many laudable and noteworthy independent black films (such as the little-seen Night Catches Us) do get made, they often debut to minuscule audiences, virtually non-existent industry buzz and sharply limited distribution. Many have talented yet unknown actors and directors that lack name recognition and track record that brings in audiences. Suffice to say, most well-made black movies are hard-pressed to find financial success and mainstream accolades.

It's not difficult to fathom why. A thoughtful 2009 New York Times article accurately detailed the state of contemporary black cinema and what continues to hamper its development. Despite the commercial and critical successes of Mr. Washington, Ms. Berry and especially Will Smith -- all of whom have enjoyed a variety of roles that steadfastly defy stereotyping -- Hollywood continues to view black moviegoers through a woefully circumscribed prism. To them, black movies are less mainstream products than they are niche. And let's be frank: the overwhelming majority of black consumers give them ample reason for doing so.

Alas, much like the eternal debate over mainstream music, movies are a function of stark economics and financial viability. Ultimately, what gets green-lighted is a reflection of the public's willingness to pay. While Tyler Perry's movies have received more than their fair share of criticism, black audiences clearly respond to his brand of (urban) humor. Regardless of Hollywood's oft exaggerated insistence on creativity and its art house pretensions, movie making is a business. As such, industry participants expect to receive a sizable return on their investment in a film. Given how expensive movies are to make nowadays, that's not an unreasonable expectation.

Advocates for black film will likely fault the Academy for their perceived snub of black artists. Truthfully, however, the Oscars are notorious for a clubby, culturally highbrow worldview that bestows its imprimatur on unknown vanity pieces (The Hurt Locker, anyone?). More often than not, they tend to shun movies, black or white, that hew to mainstream tastes.

All hope, however, is not lost: film festivals such as Urbanworld are breeding grounds for small-budget yet quality black movies. This year's omission of black actors should be a wake-up call to moviegoers: start patronizing better movies, and Hollywood will be forced to take notice.



A good post from AWD about the Black-pack attack mentality. I have seen countless video clips of these Black packs attacking innocent people and I've posted a few on this blog. These Blacks always hunt in a pack and never take someone on their own - real, true cowards. Click on the source link at the end of the post that will take you to the original post which contains a few video links.


We hear everyday the danger of fast food. Fast food is most certainly not healthy but the danger is compounded when black teens are in close proximity. The rapidly growing epidemic of out of control black teen thugs attacking innocent victims occurs more and more frequently and has struck once again.

A herd of five black teen females recently attacked a 42 year old single mother who worked at a Wendy’s in New York. The NY Daily News reported:
The gang of girls punched, kicked and slapped Michelle Ortiz, 42, in a wild melee in the Hillside Ave. fast-food joint in Queens Village on Jan. 21, cops said.
Ortiz, a single mother of five, suffered a concussion in the 5 p.m. beatdown.
“Animals acted better than they acted that night,” Ortiz told the Daily News. “They just kept hitting and hitting and hitting and kicking and punching me in the head. I was defenseless.”
Here’s the local news report of the incident:

Since the victims is Hispanic, won’t this be prosecuted as a hate crime? Naaaah! Shocking behavior from these black girls? Not really. Not anymore. Appaling? Yes. Shocking? No. Young blacks attack innocent people in packs like animals…exactly like the Wendy’s victim described them
What is the commonality in each of these and other attacks? Packs of young blacks. Rarely do we see an attack with one black youth against one single person. There always is the pack mentality and it’s occurring anywhere young blacks gather in groups. Remember the soldier just back from Afghanistan and his wife on a date who were attacked by a group of 300 outside of a movie for merely asking the black kids to stop talking on their cells during the show? His wife was knocked unconscious by a black teen male.

The other commonality is the other people who witness these attacks rarely come to the help of the victim. Doesn’t basic humanity dictates helping those in need? I believe it does! Yet people are scared and don’t get involved. I can’t imagine standing idly by and not helping a victim.

It is indisputable at this point that one way to drastically reduce your chances of being attacked is to avoid large groups of black youth. Many are feral monsters who have no respect for anything or anyone and behave and live as animals. They have been raised without any respect for authority or rules. Nothing is sacred to them. Violence comes easy. Plus, political correctness and racism in the ghetto black community has instilled in them a total hatred for white people.

I blame all of this violence on the black community and white liberals. Irresponsible breeding by teen mothers has left black children without fathers. These children run wild and without discipline. As they mature, bad decisions they make concerning education, crime and violence lock them into a world of poverty and ignorance. This is not the fault of society! This is the fault of black society and white liberals! Yet we all must suffer the consequences!

White liberals with their poisonous political correctness have instilled into the black community a sense of victim hood and a dependence on government. This has sapped the pride of achievement from the ghetto black community and created generations who have virtually no skills, ambition or humanity. Maybe the intentions of white liberals was noble in providing cradle to grave welfare but, in reality, they basically destroyed many in the black community and created generations of violent, uneducated dependents.

Jesse Jackson famously said years ago he is relieved to see white faces approach him on the street instead of those of blacks. His reasons are the same as everyone else in society. Blacks in numbers must be feared because of their propensity towards violence. Yet a white person saying those very words will be immediately labeled a racist by the left. It’s time to ignore the ruse!

I have often said the most difficult thing to be in America is a responsible, hard-working black person. Whites, by the very reasons discussed in this article, tend to be suspicious and ghetto blacks ostracize responsible blacks from their community. I have great respect for such people and am honored to have many black friends who walk this difficult road.

What to do? White people must learn to be vigilant when around large numbers of black youth. We must also be prepared to defend and protect ourselves. I have a concealed carry, my mother has a concealed carry, my 21 year old daughter has a concealed carry permit. I gave my daughter a .380 for her purse for Christmas. I refuse to be a victim and have tried to teach my children the same. I would not stand idly by as some poor innocent was being stomped to death by a bunch of monsters…no matter what the color of the victim or the monsters!

The epidemic of black youth violence will only get worse. These stories are largely ignored by the national media. But we must forget about political correctness and do what’s right. It is time all good people to stand up to these animals! Here’s one guy who did stand up for himself and did pretty good for himself! Maybe this is why black kids don’t fight one on one!

So watch your calories when you’re in a fast food restaurant but watch for Shaniqua and LaShontae even closer!

Engineer jailed for selling US stealth bomber technology to China

Who's been a naughty boy then? Couldn't possibly be a foreign-born immigrant who sold US stealth bomber technology to China, could it? Why, yes indeed. That's exactly who's been naughty. Earlier this month, when China unveiled it's first stealth fighter, my first thought was: "who's sold them the blue-print" and now I know the answer. After all, China, for all it's "might" has never come up with any notable ideas of their own. They wait for someone else to develop the technology and end up stealing the idea and in some cases just bettering the existing technology. They are not that industrious a people - they excel at being copy cats. They even copied communism from the Russians - they couldn't even come up with their own mass-murder ideas. The Indian naughty boy has been sentenced to 32 years and let's hope he rots in prison where he belongs. China is quietly (or not so quietly) building up its armed forces and Australia is just over the ocean from them. I'm a tad uneasy....

Chengdu J20 stealth fighter

Noshir Gowadia, 66, made profits of at least USD$110,000 (£68,000) by selling classified engine technology that China needed for its design of a stealth cruise missile that could evade infra-red detection, the court heard.

"He broke his oath of loyalty to this country," said Judge Susan Oki Mollway passing sentence after a hearing in Honolulu, Hawaii, "He was found guilty of marketing valuable technology to foreign countries for personal gain." Gowadia, an engineer with the Northrop Grumman Corporation between 1968-88 who worked on the B-2 design, made repeated trips to China between 2003 and 2005 providing "defence services" to China's cruise missile programme as a freelance consultant.

The prosecution had called on the judge to impose a life sentence on Gowadia who used the proceeds of the sales to fund a luxury lifestyle on Hawaii where he lived in a multi-million dollar home overlooking the ocean on Maui.

Defence lawyers for Gowadia, an Indian-born engineer who worked on the engine design for the B-2 bomber, had argued that he had sold only unclassified technology.

However after a 40-day trial, he was convicted on 14 charges including communicating national defence information to aid a foreign nation, violating the arms export control act and several counts of money-laundering and tax fraud.

"He provided some of our country's most sensitive weapons-related designs to the Chinese government for money," Assistant Attorney General for National Security David Kris said in a statement after the trial.

Earlier this month China unveiled its first ever stealth fighter, the Chengdu J20, which is said to have been based on technology gleaned partly from parts of a US F-117 stealth fighter shot down over Serbia in 1999 during the Kosovo conflict.

China, who has promised a "peaceful rise", is currently investing heavily in upgrading its armed forces, including stealth technology, aircraft carriers and long-range missiles, raising concerns in Washington and the Asia-Pacific region.

"We're a little disappointed (the judge) didn't give him a life sentence, that's the sentence that would've sent the best message," said assistant US attorney Ken Sorenson said after the hearing, "But 32 years is stiff and in many ways an appropriate sentence for him." His son, Ashton Gowadia said after the sentence that his father intended to appeal against the verdict.


Wednesday, January 26, 2011

USA: Letter about Detroit

Detroit - once the car manufacturing capital of the world. Now, a third world Black ghetto with Islam immigrants thrown in for good measure. Below is a letter chronicling what modern day Detroit looks like. If case Americans are unaware, most of the inhabitants of Detroit/Michigan are uneducated with a 50% illiteracy rate. That make-up makes the perfect profile for mass suicide bombers - home grown in the USA. As the Blacks and Unions moved in, the Whites moved out and the Muslims took advantage setting up shop in the state. And who says that Whites and Blacks don't want to live together and that Apartheid only existed in South Africa???  Move along, nothing to see here.

Ever since I flew into the Detroit airport some 10 years ago and saw two languages displayed walking through the concourse, English and the other Arabic, I have been writing to sound the warning. Unfortunately no one is listening and certainly not our elected representatives in Washington. This letter pretty much tells us why Detroit will be the first Muslim City in the United States and Michigan the first Muslim State.

Eventually the United States will need to give Michigan their freedom as we will have finally awakened to the danger of the "cult" called Islam on a day in the not so distant future. Islam is far from a religion!

This letter was sent to me by a friend, is panned greatly on the internet by minorities and particularly Muslims, and why not? They have to defend their deceit - wouldn't want the American people to catch on too early. If you don't believe this stuff, simply go to Detroit - it won't take you long to believe.

A letter by Frosty Wooldridge
(Frosty Wooldridge (born 1947) is a US journalist, writer, environmentalist, traveler)

For 15 years, from the mid 1970's to 1990, I worked in Detroit, Michigan. I watched it descend into the abyss of crime, debauchery, gun play, drugs, school t truancy, car-jacking, gangs, and human depravity. I watched entire city blocks burned out. I watched graffiti explode on buildings, cars, trucks, buses, and school yards. Trash everywhere!

Detroiters walked through it, tossed more into it, and ignored it. Tens of thousands, and then hundreds of thousands today exist on federal welfare, free housing, and food stamps!

With Aid to Dependent Children, minority women birthed eight to 10, and in one case, one woman birthed 24 children as reported by the Detroit Free Press, all on American taxpayer dollars.

A new child meant a new car payment, new TV, and whatever mom wanted. I saw Lyndon Baines Johnson's 'Great Society' flourish in Detroit. If you give money for doing nothing, you will get more hands out taking money for doing nothing.

Mayor Coleman Young, perhaps the most corrupt mayor in America, outside of Richard Daley in Chicago, rode Detroit down to its knees... He set the benchmark for cronyism, incompetence, and arrogance. As a black man, he said, "I am the MFIC." The IC meant "in charge".

You can figure out the rest. Detroit became a majority black city with 67 percent African-Americans.

As a United Van Lines truck driver for my summer job from teaching math and science, I loaded hundreds of American families into my van for a new life in another city or state.

Detroit plummeted from 1.8 million citizens to 912,000 today. At the same time, legal and illegal immigrants converged on the city, so much so, that Muslims number over 300,000. Mexicans number 400,000 throughout Michigan, but most work in Detroit. As the whites moved out, the Muslims moved in.

As the crimes became more violent, the whites fled. Finally, unlawful Mexicans moved in at a torrid pace. Detroit suffers so much shoplifting that grocery stores no longer operate in many inner city locations. You could cut the racial tension in the air with a knife!

Detroit may be one of our best examples of multiculturalism: pure dislike, and total separation from America.

Today, you hear Muslim calls to worship over the city like a new American Baghdad with hundreds of Islamic mosques in Michigan, paid for by Saudi Arabia oil money. High school flunk out rates reached 76 percent last June, according to NBC's Brian Williams. Classrooms resemble more foreign countries than America. English? Few speak it! The city features a 50 percent illiteracy rate and growing.

Unemployment hit 28.9 percent in 2009 as the auto industry vacated the city. In Time Magazine's October 4, 2009, "The Tragedy of Detroit: How a great city fell, and how it can rise again," I choked on the writer's description of what happened. "If Detroit had been ravaged by a hurricane, and submerged by a ravenous flood, we'd know a lot more about it," said Daniel Okrent. "If drought and carelessness had spread brush fires across the city, we'd see it on the evening news every night."

Earthquake, tornadoes, you name it, if natural disaster had devastated the city that was once the living proof of American prosperity, the rest of the country might take notice.

But Detroit, once our fourth largest city, now 11th, and slipping rapidly, has had no such luck. Its disaster has long been a slow unwinding that seemed to remove it from the rest of the country.

Even the death rattle that in the past year emanated from its signature industry brought more attention to the auto executives than to the people of the city, who had for so long been victimized by their dreadful decision making."

As Coleman Young's corruption brought the city to its knees, no amount of federal dollars could save the incredible payoffs, kick backs, and illegality permeating his administration. I witnessed the city's death from the seat of my 18-wheeler tractor trailer because I moved people out of every sector of decaying Detroit.

"By any quantifiable standard, the city is on life support. Detroit's treasury is $300 million short of the funds needed to provide the barest municipal services," Okrent said. "The school system, which six years ago was compel led by the teachers' union to reject a philanthropist's offer of $200 million to build 15 small, independent charter high schools, is in receivership. The murder rate is soaring, and 7 out of 10 remain unsolved. Three years after Katrina devastated New Orleans, unemployment in that city hit a peak of 11%. In Detroit, the unemployment rate is 28.9%.

That's worth spelling out: twenty-eight point nine percent." At the end of Okrent's report, and he will write a dozen more about Detroit, he said, "That's because the story of Detroit is not simply one of a great city's collapse, it's also about the erosion of the industries that helped build the country we know today. The ultimate fate of Detroit will reveal much about the character of America in the 21st century. If what was once the most prosperous manufacturing city in the nation has been brought to its knees, what does that say about our recent past? And if it can't find a way to get up, what does that say about our future?"

As you read in my book review of Chris Steiner's book, "$20 Per Gallon", the auto industry won't come back. Immigration will keep pouring more and more uneducated third world immigrants from the Middle East into Detroit, thus creating a beachhead for Islamic hegemony in America. If 50 percent illiteracy continues, we will see more homegrown terrorists spawned out of the Muslim ghettos of Detroit. Illiteracy plus Islam equals walking human bombs.

You have already seen it in Madrid, Spain; London, England and Paris, France with train bombings, subway bombings and riots. As their numbers grow, so will their power to enact their barbaric Sharia Law that negates republican forms of government, first amendment rights, and subjugates women to the lowest rungs on the human ladder. We will see more honor killings by upset husbands, fathers, and brothers that demand subjugation by their daughters, sisters and wives. Muslims prefer beheadings of women to scare the hell out of any other members of their sect from straying. Multiculturalism: what a perfect method to kill our language, culture, country, and way of life.

USA: HHS grants 500 new healthcare waivers

This is what happens when you get play-play politicians saying that you "have to pass a bill to find out what's in it". Apparently, 222 organisations (covering 2.1 million people) have had a look and decided that they don't like what's in the Obamacare present. Surprisingly, many of the 222 organisations are......unions (and other pro-Obama companies). So, one question is begging: if Obamacare is so wonderful - supposed to be effective, special, deficit reducing with progressive benefits - then why all the waivers?? Wouldn't unions and companies rush to implement a law that is supposed to benefit them and reduce their costs? Guess not.

A week after Republicans announced plans to investigate waivers granted to organizations for healthcare reform provisions, President Obama’s health department made public new waivers for more than more than 500 groups.

The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is granting temporary waivers to organizations that would not be able to meet the reform law’s new requirement for annual coverage limits.

As of last week, HHS had granted waivers to 222 organizations covering 1.5 million individuals. Though the number of groups receiving waivers has now more than tripled, the number of individuals covered by the waivers increased just 600,000 to 2.1 million.

The law gives HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius the flexibility to grant waivers to avoid disruption in the insurance market, but Republicans say the waivers are either gifts to Democratic allies or proof that the reform law isn’t working. However, a large number of businesses, in addition to unions, have received waivers.

The waivers have been granted to plans offering one kind of insurance and hundreds of so-called "mini-med" plans that offer limited health coverage to employees. The waivers are designed to preserve stability in the insurance market until new state-run insurance exchanges open in 2014.


White children in Birmingham 'a minority' this year because of immigration

Why go to the Third World when the Third World can be brought to you? Future historians will look back in amazement at how quick and thorough the conquest of Britain was; how it fell like a ripe plum. The conquest of a proud and powerful country which fought two world wars in the same century to prevent being invaded  by a neighbor… but yet was afterward invaded from every far corner of the earth without even a whimper of resistance or a shot fired! There’ll always be an England. It just won’t always be populated by the English. This is the fate of all Western countries....and we stand by and pretend we're all for "diversity", too scared to say anything in case we're branded racists.

Education authorities say many different languages are being spoken in Birmingham schools (picture posed by models)

Children from white families are in the minority in both Birmingham and Leicester, according to researchers.

More than half of those under 16 in the cities are now from black, Asian and other ethnic communities, they believe.

White children make up 47 per cent of the population in both cities, the researchers estimate.

The figures, which are expected to be confirmed by this year’s census, mean that for the first time white children are a minority group, although they are the biggest single ethnic group.

A report on Birmingham suggests that the figures could be explained by a younger population, more white families moving out of the city, and immigration.

The report estimates that in 2006, 53 per cent of children under 16 in Birmingham - Britain’s second biggest city - were from white families.

It also forecast that the proportion of children aged under 16 who are from ethnic minorities will rise to about 64 per cent by 2026, while the proportion of children from white families will be 36 per cent.

In Leicester it is predicted that children from white families will make up 31.8 per cent of under 16s by 2026.

At the time of the last census in 2001, 70.4 per cent of Birmingham’s population of all age ranges was white and 29.6 per cent from a variety of ethnic backgrounds, dominated by those with Asian, Caribbean and African origins.

It is predicted that by 2024 no ethnic group will form a majority. At present the total population of the city is just over one million.

In Leicester, white British people made up 60.54 per cent of the population at the time of the 2001 census.

According to the University of Manchester predictions, Leicester will become Britain’s first city where no ethnic group forms a majority in about 2019. Leicester’s population at present is more than 300,000.

Professor Ludi Simpson, who led the research team, said: ‘In Leicester and Birmingham, the white group will remain the largest by far – though it will not account for a majority of the population as a whole.

‘These and most other cities are already diverse with many different ethnic minorities.

‘Indeed it is indisputable that whether the whole of Britain or its city districts are considered, there will be more cultures represented in more equal numbers than in the past.’

The findings for Birmingham chime with Department for Education figures released last January.

They showed that 43 per cent of children at Birmingham’s primary and secondary schools were white. Out of 148,900 pupils attending council-run schools, 63,800 were white.

The 2011 census is being conducted in March, when 25million households across England and Wales will be required by law to answer a range of questions including who is registered as living at a property, their age, their education and their ethnicity.

The results, the first official figures since 2001, will be announced later this year.


UK: 400,000 'were trying it on' to get sickness benefits

This is what "entitlements" lead to - people scamming to get free money - money they feel entitled to! Now that the UK is in a spot of financial bother, they all of a sudden are doing their job properly and actually checking entitlement receivers out. If the global financial crisis has forced the UK to review their welfare payouts, then at least something good has come out of it.


Just 6 per cent of one million claimants who tried to obtain sickness benefit in the last two years of Labour were actually incapable of working, it emerged last night.

Astonishing figures laid bare how 94 per cent of new claimants were either ‘trying it on’ or would be fit enough to work in the near future.

Four in ten – nearly 400,000 – were fit to start work immediately. Of those who applied for the £96.85-a-week sickness benefit between 2008 and 2010, only 61,800 were found to be ill enough to automatically qualify.

Thousands were rejected after trying to claim benefits on the grounds of sexual infections, skin diseases or digestive disorders. And just one in 20 of those who said a mental condition made work impossible were given the green light to proceed with a claim.

Employment minister Chris Grayling said the ‘unacceptable’ figures strengthened the determination of Ministers – who want to slash the £12.5 billion sickness welfare bill – to help the fit to get back to work.

Welfare shake-up: Employment minister Chris Grayling said the figures were 'unacceptable'

The Department for Work and Pensions figures, covering October 2008 until May 2010, show 39 per cent of claimants were fit enough to go to work immediately. They were taken off the newly-labelled Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) and placed on the less lucrative Job Seeker’s Allowance. Nearly four in ten – 36 per cent – dropped their claims before they could undergo medical tests, conducted by private contractor Atos, to check whether they really are ill.

In total 2.61  million were claiming ESA and the old incapacity benefit in the period up to May 2010.

Pilot schemes have begun in Aberdeen and Burnley which use a tougher test to assess existing claimants.

Mr Grayling said: ‘These figures show just how many people are found to be fit for work and not entitled to ESA. Our new work programme will ensure those found fit for work will get the help they need to get a job.

‘Those found too sick or disabled to work will continue to receive the support they need to lead fulfilling lives.’

The figures also reveal a huge rate of appeals by claimants challenging their assessments. One in three of those deemed to be healthy launch an appeal against the Department for Work and Pensions. Forty per cent win and are placed on incapacity benefit.

But officials insist just 3,500 more people were put on permanent ESA as a result of appeals. Further changes will be made to reduce the rate of appeals, an official said.
