Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Cancun Train Wreck Finally Ends

So, the great global warming festival in Cancun is over and we are left to pick up the tab - literally. Here is a taste of the monetary rape that will be occurring soon in a country near you. Our stupid governments, without any mandate, have pledged our taxes to the UN so they can "redistribute" to the less developed world (or into their own pockets of course):

The UN wants nothing less than 1.5% of our GDP:

That’s $212 billion from the USA every year ($2700 per family of 4).
That’s $32 billion from the UK every year ($2000 per family of 4).
That’s $13 billion from Australia every year ($2400 per family of 4).

How do you like them apples? I have been saying this for years - climate change/global warming is the biggest con of our time and has NOTHING to do with the environment. This was all planned back in the 80's with the intention of creating a world body to steal power and money from the developed, successful countries. Yet, we do nothing about it and don't hold our governments to account.

The fear surrounding Global Warming -or Climate Change if you prefer- is predicated on the notion that CO2 Emissions created by human industry are a dangerous problem.

Naturally occurring CO2 -mainly released by the oceans that cover a little over 70% of the Earth’s surface- we can do absolutely nothing about.

So let’s take a look at some facts:

CO2 from Nature = 98%

CO2 from Humans = 2%

CO2 Cake A

Of that small slice of the CO2 cake, how much is contributed by the UK?

Based on data from the Union of Concerned Scientists [] of the largest industrial bogeymen, it’s roughly 2%, which equates to around 0.04% of the total CO2 budget, or if you prefer, a very thin line on the cake:

CO2 Cake B
 So thin in fact, that even this line is too thick!

So, the New World Order are now closing up the latest effort to promote their version of Fiscal World Slavery through apocalyptic fear mongering.

The total ‘carbon footprint’ of the conference was equivalent to 4,500 UK households for a year. The chief of staff for the Minister of the Environment said that all the carbon will be offset through ‘protecting forests and planting trees’ in poor areas of Mexico.

That’s an awful lot of trees bendecho, how can we monitor your progress on that one?

The German environment minister told delegates in Cancun that countries should look to invest in infrastructure and ways to tackle climate change:

“In business, politics and society, we no longer see climate change as a threat, but an opportunity and a challenge” said Roettgen in a speech to delegates.

Climate Change no threat, but a business opportunity! Makes me sick how far we’ve fallen.

He said that Germany had invested in tackling climate change and as a result it had created jobs and opportunities.


EU Climate Commissioner Connie Hedegaard said there had been “no sign of progress on the crunch issues.”


“To come out of Cancun with nothing is simply not an option,” Hedegaard said.

I just love this ‘not an option’ rhetoric……too funny.

One delegate described the latest draft texts as “worse than Copenhagen”.

The final money wrangles concerned the proposed “Green Fund” – a NWO vehicle that would steal & funnel away tax-payer funds running to perhaps $100bn (£63bn) per year by 2020.

During overnight discussions, the US, EU and Japan stuck to their line that the World Bank must administer the fund.

For developing countries, this is unacceptable, as they see the bank as a corrupt western-run institution.

And those developing countries would be right, of course.

Apparently I now hear it’s to be administered by the UN instead….more corruption anyone?

Here are the main points they finally agreed:

•All countries to cut emissions

[At some 'unspecified point' in the future]

•Payments for countries who avoid deforestation and conserve nature

[Money for not developing your economy?]

•Finance deal to provide $30bn for developing countries to adapt to climate change now, and up to $100bn later.


•A new UN climate fund to be run mostly by developing countries

[Looting of the West by corrupt regimes]

•Easier transfer of low carbon technology and expertise to poor countries

[Green business bull crap gets another free leg-up]

•China, the US and other major emitters to have their economies inspected

[U.N inspections!]

•Scientific review of progress after five years

[Lovely, more tax-funded jollies for the shills in the non-science brigade]


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