Monday, December 20, 2010


Thanks goodness for wonderful people like Anjem Choudary. He's going to show the misguided Christians the greatness of Islam....on Christmas Eve. According to Choudary, “Islam does away with the need for drugs and alcohol and all the other evils that are synonymous with Christmas.”  Yeah, they would rather promote paedophilia; violence against women; Sharia law and other wonderful Islamic beliefs on one of our Holiest days. Thanks Mr Choudary, but I think I'll take my chances with Christianity all the same. Oh, and I hope for your sake that the English Defence League (EDL) doesn't decide to shop in Oxford Street on Christmas Eve....they might take offence to you harassing Christians. Oh, and Mr Choudary, please let me know where you'll be celebrating Eid ul-Fitr next year so that I too can come and tell you about the joys of Christianity during your holy time.

HATE-FILLED preacher Anjem Choudary is holding an anti-Christmas protest on Britain’s busiest shopping street.

The nut is heading to London’s Oxford Street on Christmas Eve to try to convert a million “lost souls”.

The ranting cleric will lead disciples in a protest against the “promiscuity and materialism” of Christmas on a day when more than a million shoppers will in the world’s most famous shopping district.

And the Muslim rabble rouser hopes his actions will boost his evil plan to fly the “Black Flag of Sharia” over yet another British institution.

Last night Choudary, 43, said: “Christmas is the complete anathema to Islam. Drunkenness, promiscuity and materialism are just a few of the issues we want to tackle.

“For us these are the ‘Evils of Christmas’. That’s why we are going to hold our latest roadshow in Oxford Street and Regent Street in the heartland of London’s best-known shopping district.

“Abortion, unwanted children, domestic violence and even blasphemy. It all happens at Christmas.

“We will be setting out stalls and marquees. We hope to have a presence of at least 200 Muslims.

“Hopefully around a million people will pass through this area. We will speak to as many of them as possible about the issues concerned.”

He added: “We will be distributing material about Islam. We hope, at a time when the country is in recession and the Government is frittering away money on foreign policy, people will see that Islam offers an alternative to the consumerism of this time of year.

“Islam does away with the need for drugs and alcohol and all the other evils that are synonymous with Christmas.”

Last year Choudary sparked outrage when he proposed a protest march through the repatriation town of Wootton Bassett. The demo was called off after a public outcry.


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