Monday, December 20, 2010

Muslim pupil offended by the word 'ham' in class

Ham ham ham ham, glorious ham, wonderful ham! It’s astonishing how the word ‘ham’ or the smell of bacon cooking in the deli down the street offends them, but beheadings and bombings are just fine! In any case, I wonder when the penny will drop to this Muslim family that there are non-Muslim people living in Spain? Dear Offended Muslim Family - what about the ham in hamas? BTW - I'm having Ham for Christmas Day - can't wait!!

The parents of a Muslim boy who attends a secondary school in La Línea, Cádiz province, have reported their son’s teacher for an incident in the boy’s geography class which the child said caused him offence as a Muslim.

The teacher, José Reyes Fernández, with more than 20 years in the profession, was explaining to the class how the cold climate in Trevélez, Granada province, aided in the curing of the village’s most famous local product, jamón serrano. The boy told his teacher that hearing the word ‘ham’ in class was offensive to him because of his religion and asked his geography teacher to stop referring to the product which caused him offence.

El Mundo newspaper reports that the boy’s parents then reported the teacher to both the National Police and to the courts. They placed a denuncia against the teacher for psychological ill-treatment in the context of xenophobia and racism.

It’s understood that an internal investigation is also underway by the education authority in Cádiz province, although the regional government, The Junta de Andalucía, has said that it supports the teacher as the complaint is ‘out of place’.

The government’s Minister for Presidency, Ramón Jáuregi, was questioned on the incident in an interview on Onda Cero radio this Monday morning. He described the denuncia as ‘unfounded’ and said there was no hope of it going any further.


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