Monday, April 11, 2011

Tunisian immigrants protest against France

Tunisians have decided that they don't like their new "government" - the new one they protested and died for. As a result, over 20 000 of these 'free' Tunisians have landed on the Italian island of Lampedusa with their begging cap out - seeking their share of prosperous EU money. As you can imagine, Italy is struggling to cope with so many 'economic refugees/asylum seekers' who have landed on their door-island. What is the solution (as if you need to ask!)? Well, you see, this is where I differ from the liberal, let's-all-live-together mentality (which is code for: the common people can live with these culturally diverse people whilst us liberals watch safely from afar, sipping our latte's and congratulating ourselves on our compassion). The Italians need to put them BACK on a boat and return them to Tunisia. No romantic notions of how brave they are to undertake the journey for freedom (that lame excuse is wearing a tad thin). Put them on a boat and ship them back to where they came from and send a strong message to anyone else thinking of making the sea trip. What a load of softies, scared of the human rights brigade. In any case, Italy has now devised a brilliant short-term plan - they've dumped these 'refugees' in a village on the border with France. I'm sure Italy wouldn't be too upset if these 'refugees' wandered over to France - which already has 600 000 Tunisians enriching their daily lives. Couldn't happen to a nicer country....

Oh, and as thanks to the Italian's, these same refugees have set a church on fire on the island of Lampedusa - this after the Catholic priest took in 38 teen 'refugees'. You can always count on the Catholics to lead the bleeding heart kumbaya choir and now they have to look at a burned down church. But, shhhh, mustn't say anything bad about the Muslims or we'll have the thought police giving us 'sensitivity training' so that we too can be more tolerant of their ways. We are going to pay a huge price for all this PC indoctrination - but not to worry - the politicians behind this will have retired and living off of their tax-payer funded retirement funds whilst we watch Rome burn. 

Around one hundred Tunisian immigrants staged a protest in the Italian border town of Ventimiglia on Saturday against what they said was a French policy to turn away would-be asylum seekers.
The immigrants were transferred to the town close to the French border from the tiny island of Lampedusa.

But living conditions appear to be no better than what they left behind.

One Tunisian immigrant told the crowd: “I have risked my life on a makeshift boat with despair and when I arrived in Italy I found I had nothing.”

France is home to Europe’s largest North African community and an estimated 600,00 Tunisians live there.

Many of the arrivals from Lampedusa say they want to flee across the border in search of a better life.

Ahmed, a Tunisian would-be asylum seeker, got as far as Monaco, only to be picked up by police and sent back to Italy.

“We do not want to steal or do anything,” he said. “We just want safety. We want Europe to welcome us.”

Italy says it cannot cope with the influx on its own and wants France and other European partners to do more to help.

EU interior ministers will debate the issue at a meeting in Luxembourg on April the 11th.

Some 20,000 Tunisians have reached Lampedusa since January’s popular uprising that ousted former president Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali.

The tiny island has a population of just 5,000 and is only 260 kilometres off Tunisia’s east coast.


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