Wednesday, April 13, 2011

UK: Fury at equality watchdog after it calls for teachers to ask 11-year-olds if they are gay

How do you stay in a job? Why, you create a problem and then become the solution! The UK is becoming a bit of a joke regarding their "Equality and Human Rights Commission". There's that word again - 'human rights'. As I've often said, anytime anyone says those two words together in a sentence, run for the hills as you know you're dealing with the lefty Moonbats/hippies/paedophiles or whatever you'd like to call them. Once again, you have people sticking their big, fat, ugly noses in your children's lives - this time their sexual orientation at age 11 is on the menu - without necessarily having your consent to collect this information from them. Why? So that these same Big Brother Moonbats can 'prevent' them from becoming victims of discrimination later - and another weak reason: 'some young people begin to question their sexual orientation as early as age eight and may begin to identify as LGB (lesbian, gay, bisexual) from early adolescence’. I actually don't know what more to say apart from what happened to allowing kids to be just bloody kids? But, no, that's not exciting enough for these perverts. Now they want to know if they like Jane or Johnny and if they're not sure then they'll get extra special attention. Get me away from these perverts and leave my kids alone!

Children as young as 11 could soon be asked about their sexuality without their parents’ consent, it has emerged.

Teachers, nurses and youth workers are being urged to set up pilot studies aimed at monitoring adolescent sexual orientation for the first time.

A report commissioned by the Government’s equalities watchdog found that it was ‘practically and ethically’ possible to interview young children about their sexuality.

Controversially, it says parental consent, while ‘considered good practice’, is not a legal necessity.

The report for the much-criticised Equality and Human Rights Commission recommends that children should be asked if they are gay from the age of 11. A record should be kept of those unsure or ‘questioning’ their sexuality.

It says monitoring sexual orientation among youngsters could help to prevent them from becoming victims of discrimination, and claims that ‘some young people begin to question their sexual orientation as early as age eight and may begin to identify as LGB (lesbian, gay, bisexual) from early adolescence’.

The report has provoked outrage. Graham Stuart, Tory chairman of the Commons education select committee, said the plans were ‘invasive, sinister and threatening’.

He added: ‘School should be a place of safety, not a place where pupils are picked over for the purpose of some quango; and many children won’t understand what they are talking about.’

The report – Researching and Monitoring Adolescence and Sexual Orientation: Asking the Right Questions, at the Right Time – says it is ‘critical’ to track children’s sexuality to ‘shed light on the complexities of young people’s developing sexual orientation and how this may disadvantage them’.

It tell researchers not to dismiss gay feelings of interviewees as ‘a passing phase’.

Some youngsters, it says, may use categories such as ‘questioning’, ‘queer’, ‘pansexual’, ‘genderqueer’, ‘asexual’, ‘pan-romantic’ and even ‘trisexual’.

Last night, a commission spokesman said: ‘This is independent research produced to help the commission form its policy direction.’


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