Monday, February 28, 2011

Lite moments

Awesome Human Rights Ads

Infamous UK Cleric Plans Thursday Sharia Rally in D.C.: ‘Rise to Implement the Shari’ah in America’

I can just imagine the Liberals and Progressives falling over themselves to join this march (wonder if there'll be any gay men and women also stamping their feet and clapping theirs hands for Shariah?). Not only is there going to be a march this Thursday for a "new" U.S. constitution based on Sharia law, but on the Forth of July there's going to be a MMM in DC (before you get any ideas, it stands for “Million Muslim March”) so that you too can heal after 9/11. I get goose bumps all over just thinking of all this Muslim love. How can America refuse? I've been a lone voice in the dessert regarding America's foreign policy. If I offend anyone by airing my views then tough - but my view is that America has poked her nose in other people's business for far too long - sending troops all over the place, acting like the international police force . How many soldiers have been killed fighting other people's battles?? If they had just kept to themselves instead of meddling, and let everyone sort their own business out then these Muslims wouldn't feel the need to ruin the country. America should have sealed her borders and looked after her own people - and implemented a much stricter immigration policy. Instead, every third-worlder and Hispanic with a sob story gets a place ahead of the Europeans and the country is going down the tubes faster than the Titanic sank. Now every guy named Mohammed wants a piece of that democracy that has weakened America. And Mohammed is going to use that democracy to ruin the country. That's just my view...

This coming Fourth of July, Muslims are planning a “Million Muslim March” in D.C. to “re-establish the feelings of brother and sisterhood among Muslim Americans“ and start the ”healing” process after 9/11. And while there is no indication that rally will dabble in Sharia law, a different D.C. march scheduled for Thursday boldly declares its goal of bringing Sharia law “directly to the doorsteps of the United States of America.”

The rally is being spearheaded by radical UK Muslim cleric Anjem Choudary, who recently told Sean Hannity Americans are “the biggest criminals in the world today,“ and in October announced ”the flag of Islam will one day fly over the White House.” His group, Islam4UK, has been outlawed in Britain.

“We hereby call upon the Muslims in the US, particularly in New York, Michigan, Chicago and Washington DC to take lessons from their Muslim brothers and sisters in North Africa and the Middle East and rise to implement the Shari’ah in America,” the group Shariah4America, seemingly modeled after Choudary’s UK organization, says on its website.

It goes on to advocate for a new U.S. constitution based on Sharia law:

On 3rd March 2011 From 1pm to 4pm (local time), at Pennsylvania Avenue, outside the White House, the Muslims will let the tyrant Barack Obama and the American people know that a new constitution beckons the US called the Shari’ah, and that this worldwide revolution will see it implemented inshaa’allah (God willing) very very soon.
Read more here


A great come back from Tim Blair on his blog at the daily telegraph. In case you've missed the brilliant announcement, the Australian shrew PM will be introducing a carbon tax from 1 July 2012; this after she went to last year's election saying that there would be no carbon tax under the government she leads. But, she came to her political senses and decided that it was more important to ruin Australia than to lose the Green vote to keep her in power. Australians are NOT HAPPY. This Carbon tax is going to be a tax on everything - except "agriculture" which produces a quarter of our "emissions". Andrew Bolt (another very popular conservative blogger in Australia) posted that a carbon tax would bring in $11 billion alone just by taxing the top 300 Australian companies in the first year! Can you imagine how competitive Australia will be by the end of this exercise? But, not to worry - Julia is going to give some all of the money back in the form of subsidies to the most vulnerable because apparently only poor people and people on the dole don't emit carbon. Of course, the UN will get a nice stiff piece of the financial pie to "support" developing nations. Steal from Peter to give to Paul and Sipho. In any case, Tim has put a few very pertinent questions together for our esteemed and moral PM - not that she'll bother answering them. She'd rather we look the other way whilst she stabs us in the back as she did to Kevin Rudd...


Dear Prime Minister Gillard,

Thank you for making the weather nicer by forcing us to pay more for everything. Who knew that fixing the global climate was so simple? Still, one or two questions remain about your new plan and a few related matters.

Yours in climate justice,


• By how much will your carbon dioxide tax reduce Australia’s temperature?

• If after five years there has been no recorded decline in temperature, will the tax be abandoned?

• Multiple choice! How much money has already been wasted by federal Australian governments on pointless climate change initiatives that have done nothing:

a - $2,000,000,000

b - $3,500,000,000

c - $5,500,000,000

• If taxing Australians at a certain level will make us more competitive with the rest of the world, as you claim, then surely taxing us at even higher levels will make us more competitive still. Universal taxation at, say, 80 per cent should make us a global powerhouse. Why are you holding Australia back?

• You claim that Australians want this new tax. How about testing your theory at an election?

• If I announced on television that I was going to kidnap the federal cabinet and put them through a series of deadly Saw-style torture tests, do you think I could avoid charges by asking the police to stop going on about “semantics” and “word games”?

• Do you have any experience in herding cats? This might be important during your coming 16 months of negotiations with the Greens, who you seem to have forgotten are completely insane.

• Considering Labor couldn’t run a simple grocery pricing website and Labor’s attempts to insulate houses ended up setting them on fire and killing people, what are the odds Labor can successfully run the country’s largest and most complicated tax regime?

• Labor promised to reduce the number of boat people arrivals. As with everything else, Labor’s policies resulted in exactly the opposite outcome. Now you’re trying to change the weather. Where should people hide?

• Carbon dioxide contains two oxygen atoms for every one carbon atom. Shouldn’t we call it an “oxygen tax”?

• If the aim of the carbon tax is to change behaviour, why are you planning to compensate so many households? They’ll just keep killing the planet and get no penalties at all.

• At what point does carbon dioxide’s necessary presence in the atmosphere become “pollution”?

• If the carbon tax is definitely going to be introduced on July 1, 2012, how come Tim Flannery is going to be paid $720,000 over the next four whole years while he roams the country “explaining” it?

• Isn’t explaining new taxes your job? Or, more specifically, Wayne Swan’s?

• For that matter, where was Wayne the other day when you announced this massive new tax? You were there, and so was Bob Brown and Christine Milne and Greg Combet and Tony Windsor and the Hairy Princess. But no Wayne.

• The next time you see Wayne, could you ask him why he said this last August: “What we rejected is this hysterical allegation that somehow we are moving towards a carbon tax.” This question should really be asked by journalists, I guess, but they’re too busy making excuses for your hilarious lies.

• What is the point of building a $27 billion national broadband network to deliver computer connectivity across the nation when Greg Combet is telling people to turn off lights and televisions?

• Another thing: how much more cost will be added to the NBN courtesy of the carbon tax?

• Agriculture, which produces around a quarter of our carbon dioxide output, is exempt from the carbon tax. You’re not really serious about this whole “carbon pollution” deal, are you?

• Why don’t you just ban the mining, burning and export of coal? Your boss Bob Brown wants to. He thinks that coal caused the Queensland floods (or “water pollution").

• You’ve said that people shouldn’t be worried about media estimates of the amount they will be penalised. Why should they believe you?

• How does taking money off person A and giving it to person B help the climate?

• You’d be surprised, Ms Prime Minister, you really would, at the way clever lawyers can shift investments and capital around so that the source becomes “agriculture”.

• In 2007, Labor resources minister Martin Ferguson said that a mere $30 carbon tax on local flights would ”kill the Australian aviation industry both domestically and internationally.” If he was right, what does that mean for all Australian industries facing a carbon tax?

• What level of bureaucratic expansion will be required to deal with the intake and dispersal of something like $10 billion per year?

• Will your compensation plans take into account Australia’s regional differences in living standards? Because if they don’t, hard-up families in Sydney are going to be giving money to the well-off in Adelaide.

• What percentage of revenue from the carbon tax will be lost in bureaucratic churn between it being collected by your government and handed out in compensation?

• Instead of creating a tax system that eventually gives people their money back, why not just let them keep their own damn money in the first place?

• According to you, “there will be no carbon tax under the government I lead.” Would you mind telling us who does lead this government, then? Otherwise I’ve sent this to the wrong person.


Indigenous Australians cost taxpayers double what's spent on others, says report

It's amazing. Every time a government forms a committee to look into  the "disadvantage" of the "disadvantaged", the disadvantaged are shown to be highly advantaged - yet they still can't look after themselves. The Australian Aborigines had more than $40 000 per person spent on them in the last financial year compared to non-indigenous (yet tax paying) Australians who came in at $18 351 per person. How do you like dem apples? Yet, we still need useless boards and committees and "human rights" groups - all sucking off the the tax payer sweet-teat - to look into their affairs to see if they are being disadvantaged! How about the Aborigines pull their finger and sort themselves out and the goody-two-shoes Australian government stop molly-coddling them and let them earn their own way - just like the evil non-indigenous people do? Let them also go to school, study and fend for themselves. Why must the same pattern be repeated generation after generation? We keep on paying when there is clearly NO benefit to either side - especially the Aborigines. They mostly lie around drinking, assaulting, fighting, sexually abusing their own people and children - that's what they do as a day job. Yet, the tax payer continues to fund their lifestyle. Someone is going to have to show some tough love and get rid of these blasted committees and boards and human rights dream-jobs and actually do something constructive. Just how much more money does Australia throw at a problem that is never going to go away in paid bribes and White guilt? No more welfare until kids behinds are sitting on school benches. And that's just the start....

Helping a culture: An Aboriginal boy in the Northern Territory.

A NEW report shows taxpayers spent more than $40,000 on every indigenous Australian in a year - more than twice that paid for every non-indigenous person.

The 2010 indigenous expenditure report released today shows that for the year 2008-2009 expenditure “related to” indigenous Australians totalled $21.9 billion, or 5.3 per cent of total general government expenditure.

While expenditure on non-indigenous Australians is estimated at $18,351 per person, expenditure on indigenous Australians per head of population is estimated at $40,228.

The report comes on the back of increasing violence and dysfunction in Alice Springs, with the former indigenous affairs minister in the Howard government, Mal Brough, telling The Weekend Australian the Northern Territory intervention wasn't working or creating lasting social change.

The new report reveals disproportionate funding for indigenous Australians as compared with non-indigenous Australians across a range of categories, and is likely to raise questions about the outcomes that are being achieved for indigenous peoples.

In terms of educational expenditure, $3.3 billion or 5.8 per cent of spending goes towards services related to indigenous Australians. This means, in terms of educational spending, an estimated $2.40 is spent per indigenous person for every one dollar spent per non-indigenous person.

Expenditure on indigenous health services was also estimated at $3.8 billion, or 4.8 per cent of government expenditure in that area. The per capita breakdown again reveals that for every dollar spent on health services for non-indigenous Australians, $1.95 is spent on indigenous Australians.

The cost of employment services for indigenous Australians was estimated to be $4.4 billion, representing about 4.3 per cent of government expenditure in that area.

In this category, the report estimates that for each indigenous person $8062 is spent on economic participation services as compared to $4578 per non-indigenous person.

And the discrepancy is replicated in expenditure on housing services, with the report finding that $4246 is spent for each indigenous Australian as compared to $1781 for non-indigenous Australians.

The report is the first of its kind and was agreed to by the Council of Australian Governments to assist policy makers in reducing disadvantage for indigenous Australians.


Sunday, February 27, 2011

UK: Unruly youngsters must be sent to boot camps to learn respect, declares Gove

I say just send them to the good old Catholic schools of years gone by. My first few school years  were spent at a school run by Nuns. Boy did we learn the meaning of discipline quickly. No touchy-feely love for us - no, it was a wooden clothes brush for the girls hands and a canning by the Principle (Nun) for the boys. I can assure you that you only ever sinned once and then never again. Backchatting? What was that! Fighting? Never! Yup, the good old days. Spare the rod, spare the child. Going to public school meant long detentions for the girls and boys or canning for the boys that transgressed a little too often. Nowadays kids get "suspended" from school for the day and then they wonder why kids are acting up! I too would have acted up if it meant not going to school! In any case, the UK want to introduce ex-military personnel to act as mentors to troubled teens. Good luck with that! Maybe they should allow parents to discipline their kids again - just saying...

Unruly pupils need the rigour of a military-style education because they have 'no self-discipline or sense of purpose', according to the Education Secretary

Youngsters need the rigour of a military-style education because they have ‘no self-discipline or sense of purpose’, the Education Secretary said.

Michael Gove attacked the declining virtues of the young yesterday, as he announced £1.5million funding to draft battle-hardened troops into ‘boot camps’ for unruly pupils.

He believes war veterans are needed to drill respect into troubled teenagers and provide them with role models.

Under the plans, to be unveiled today, 100 soldiers, sailors and air crew will be retrained as mentors for pupils excluded from school or on the brink of exclusion.

They will instill traditional values through physical drills, assault courses and practical lessons taught outdoors.

The grant, to charity SkillForce, will help some 400 pupils in its first year, and finance three projects based in Liverpool and Hull.

Mr Gove said: ‘There is a huge opportunity for those people who have served their country in uniform to serve their country in our schools. They have many of the virtues that parents feel have disappeared from our schools and need to be restored: self-discipline, a sense of purpose and a belief in the importance of working as a team.’

Dr Liam Fox, Secretary of State for Defence, welcomed the move: ‘The nation’s children will thrive under the mentorship of these courageous individuals.’

The scheme is the first of a series of measures to place ex-servicemen and women in the classroom to improve discipline.

Former officers – educated to degree level – will be fast-tracked as teachers in a scheme to be announced this spring. There are 16,000 children outside schooling.

Many have been excluded due to bad behaviour.


Fort Worth elementary teacher accused of assaulting elderly couple in Arlington mall

Yup - this is what US teachers teach their kids - how to beat up old folk for a chair! Can you imagine a group of Primary/Elementary school kids going on a field trip with their teacher and then later watching as that same teacher bashes, chokes and spits on old folk in their 70's? I guess that must be the norm where Ms Stafford comes from. Good, moral people chosen to teach the youth....I have seen enough US realityTV to know how these Black women fight and how foul they are and it's no surprise that reality TV equals reality life. Black women seem to have a huge angry chip on their shoulder and the anti-White hatred permeates off them. If anything, Bette and her husband showed guts to stand up to this bully teacher - a teacher with a history of aggravated assault (weapon and bodily injury). How on earth was she cleared to be a teacher???

 Carlton and Bette Davis Morgan (left) and Carlton Brenda Jones Stafford (right)

A Fort Worth elementary school teacher faces a felony charge of injury to the elderly over allegations that she assaulted a couple in their 70s at an Arlington mall Saturday during a school field trip.

Brenda Jones Stafford, a fifth-grade teacher at A.M. Pate Elementary School, is accused of choking and pushing a 71-year-old woman in an argument over a chair in The Parks mall's food court, then shoving, hitting and choking the woman's 73-year-old husband when he tried to intervene.

Stafford, 47, was arrested in another area of the mall about 4 p.m. shortly after the altercation. She was booked into the Arlington Jail on suspicion of injury to the elderly, a state jail felony, and offensive/provocative contact, a Class C misdemeanor, and released that same day after posting bond.

Barbara Griffith, a Fort Worth school district spokeswoman, confirmed Wednesday that the incident occurred while the teacher was accompanying A.M. Pate students on a field trip. She said Stafford was placed on administrative leave Monday pending the outcome of the investigation.

"She self-reported right away, and she was immediately put on administrative leave," Griffith said.

Stafford declined to comment.

Bette Davis Morgan and her husband, Carlton, were drinking coffee and chatting in the food court when Stafford, while apparently gathering chairs for her group, pushed a chair on which Bette Morgan was resting her leg, commenting "Listen, lady, I don't need your chair with your leg on it," according to Morgan.

Morgan said she removed her leg from the chair and continued her conversation with her husband.

But she said Stafford deliberately shoved the chair against their table, striking Morgan's knee. Morgan said she told the woman not to shove the chair because it was hitting her knee under the table.

She said Stafford deliberately did it again twice.

"Every time she came by, she'd shove that chair under the table toward my knee, hard," said Morgan, who said she had injured the same knee in a wreck while in her teens.

After the third time, Morgan said, she got up and confronted Stafford.

"She made some kind of snotty remark to me, saying, 'Don't you tell me what to do, woman,'" Morgan said. "Then she got up in my face and started shaking her finger in my face and started blowing in my face."

Morgan blew back into the woman's face, she said, and the woman spat on her.

Morgan said that she spat to the side of Stafford and that the woman lunged at her, choked her and pushed her down.

Morgan said her husband was trying to intervene when Stafford shoved him down and began hitting and choking him.

"That's when her people started yelling at her to get off of him, that she was acting like a madwoman, and pulled her off my husband," Morgan said.

Tiara Richard, an Arlington police spokeswoman, said that officers arrested Stafford in another area of the mall and that neither of the Morgans required medical treatment.

Morgan said Wednesday that bruises have surfaced on her body and that she plans to see a doctor Friday to be checked out.

"It was a shock, and it was very, very upsetting," Morgan said.

Tarrant County court records show that in 1995 Stafford was previously charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon and assault with bodily injury, stemming from allegations that she threatened injury to a woman while using or exhibiting a firearm. Prosecutors later dismissed both charges.

Court records indicated that she had passed a polygraph in the case.


More Than 60 Arrested in Nationwide Mexican Drug Gang Sweep

This is truly disgusting. It takes the death of a U.S agent in Mexico to stun the Federal, state and local authorities into actually doing their job? As Mr Pike says:" the sweeps are a direct response to Zapata's killing, the majority of suspects were already targets of other investigations". So, in other words: "we were going easy on all these illegal activities, but then some USA guy died and now we have to really do our jobs for a change"....So, I guess they're finally admitting that you have to fight fire with fire and not a PC white flag. Thousands of people have died in Mexico so that the drug lords can traffic their goods into the USA to supply the local market. Cut off the suppliers and there will be no market. If I were the family of Mr Zapata, I would sue the Federal government's socks off. They have admitted to ignoring crime which was happening right under their noses...

WASHINGTON -- Federal, state and local authorities conducted a massive sweep Thursday of suspected Mexican drug cartel members in the United States in a widespread domestic response to the killing of a U.S. agent in Mexico last week.

"We are taking a stand and we are sending a message back to the cartels that we will not tolerate the murder of a U.S. agent, or any U.S. official," said Carl Pike, assistant special agent in charge of the Drug Enforcement Administration's special operations division.

Pike said the nationwide roundup, which began Wednesday and was expected to continue into Friday, is targeting suspected criminals with ties to any Mexican drug cartel to try to disrupt drug trafficking operations in the United States.

By Thursday morning, agents in areas including Atlanta, St. Louis, Denver, Detroit, San Antonio, San Diego, Chicago and New Jersey had seized more than $4.5 million in cash and nearly 20 guns, arrested more than 100 people and confiscated about 23 pounds of methamphetamine, 107 kilos of cocaine, 5 pounds of heroin and 300 pounds of marijuana at more than 150 different locations.

Immigration and Customs Enforcement agent Jaime Zapata was killed, and fellow ICE agent Victor Avila was wounded in Mexico on Feb. 15 when the Chevy Suburban they were in was run off the road by at least two vehicles loaded with armed men. Authorities have said the agents, who were driving in a fortified sport utility vehicle with diplomatic license plates, identified themselves as U.S. diplomats in the moments before the shooting.

Pike said that while the sweeps are a direct response to Zapata's killing, the majority of suspects were already targets of other investigations.

"People actually sacrificed a great deal of work" for these sweeps, Pike said. "For the lost agent's memory it's important, but we're also in a bully situation. If we don't push back, some other 18-year-old cartel member is going to think, 'They didn't do anything, so all U.S. citizens are fair game."'

Mexican law enforcement and politicians have become routine targets of Mexico's warring drug cartels. But for the most part, U.S. authorities had largely been avoided.

Read more here

Italy Warns of a New Wave of Immigrants to Europe

One of the fall-outs of the recent anti-government uprisings in North Africa is the coming refugee issue. People from Tunisia, Libya and Egypt (and other Arab countries) are going to use the riots as their meal ticket into Europe. 5000 Tunisians have already turned up on Italy's doorstep with their begging bowl out. Italy is concerned and Monika Lüke, head of Amnesty International in Germany, has called on Germany to "act". I wonder what she wants Germany to do? Couldn't possibly want the country to take in upward of the estimated 300 000 "refugees" could she? I wonder how many will be moving in next door to her?? Anyhoo, France and Germany will be feeling the love as these mainly Muslim immigrants flee to greener pastures where the Europeans will get to support them with their hard-earned tax money. Yes, that's the way to go - screw up your own Arab countries and then run to where the Westerners live in Christian peace. Good luck Europe.

Coming soon to an EU country near you!
Moammar Gadhafi, in recent years, has enjoyed a cynical role as Europe's border guard against African immigrants. Italian ministers now warn that if his Libyan government collapses, people will flow across the Mediterranean.
Chaos in Libya has led to immediate concern that hundreds of thousands of immigrants could head for Europe. Italy's interior minister, ahead of an EU summit in Brussels, called on Thursday for European help in dealing with a looming "catastrophic humanitarian emergency."

A 'Biblical Exodus'
"We know what to expect when the Libyan national system falls," said Italian Foreign Minister Franco Frattini on Wednesday, according to the UK Telegraph. "A wave of 200,000 to 300,000 immigrants."

"These are estimates, and on the low side," he added. "It is a Biblical exodus. It's a problem that no Italian should underestimate."

Over 5,000 migrants have already sailed from Tunisia to the Italian island of Lampedusa since the Tunisian government fell in January. But post-uprising conditions in Tunisia are mild compared to reports this week from Libya, where Gadhafi's security forces have fired on protesters as well as on guest workers who have now started to flee across the borders into Egypt and Tunisia.
Gadhafi, Guarding the Gates
Gadhafi in recent years has played up his role as a bulwark against African immigrants to Europe. Italy and Libya began joint naval patrols in 2008 to stop boatloads of illegal or trafficked immigrants from crossing the Mediterranean, and last year Libya signed a €50 billion deal with the European Union to manage its borders as a "transit country" for sub-Saharan Africans.
Italian Foreign Minister Frattini said that some 2.5 million people in Libya -- about a third of the population -- are non-Libyan immigrants who would flee if the government fell.
Gadhafi himself has enjoyed stoking these fears. "Europe will become black," he said last December, if European leaders failed to cooperate with him on immigration controls.
Welcome to Germany?
Amnesty International is calling on other countries to ease the burden on Italy if institutions there are overwhelmed. "Germany, as the largest and most economically powerful country in Europe, has a special responsibility to act," said Monika Lüke, head of Amnesty International in Germany. "Germany has to finally end its obstructionist attitude regarding a common refugee policy in the EU."
Ironically the head of Italy's anti-immigrant Northern League party, Umberto Bossi, made similar statements. "If they come, we will just send them to France and Germany," he said according to the Telegraph.
But German Interior Minister Thomas de Maizière, on his way to the EU summit in Brussels, which begins on Thursday, warned Thursday morning that rumors of a refugee crisis could become a self-fulfilling prophecy. Europe, he told the German broadcaster ZDF, should try to promote stability in North Africa. "People stay in countries with stable democracies," he said.


Texas demographer: 'It's basically over for Anglos'

Good news Texas - in case you've been wondering why there doesn't seem to be as many Anglos in the state as there were a few years back, they've finally worked out why! Get this - the Hispanics and other minorities are out-breeding the local Anglos! No!! I would never have guessed! A demographer has rung the warning bells on the Anglo demise in the state. The future looks bleak assuming the current trend line does not change because education and income levels for Hispanics lag considerably behind Anglos. If current trends continue, then by 2040 only 20% of the state's public school enrollment will be Anglo - which means only 30% of the state's labor force will not have a high school diploma as per the current Hispanic stats. Oh dear - I can see the writing on the wall as the Anglos flee to more "Anglo" states - maybe those that are currently cutting down on the illegals? This is the outcome of generous welfare/social/health programs. The educated have to pay for these programs on behalf of the lower income and non-earners - which tend mainly to be the minorities. The minorities generally breed all day long and don't have to pay for their kids upbringing - so they pop them out with impunity. The Anglos stop having children cause they can't afford them and/or nowadays it's also way cool not to have any as they may interfere with their new boob job, car, house or boat they want to buy right now! As is fashionable these days, they wait until they're 40 and then adopt an "other" to feel good about themselves. Maybe it's a blessing in disguise because who the heck wants them to pass on their liberal DNA anyway??
Looking at population projections for Texas, demographer Steve Murdock concludes: "It's basically over for Anglos."

Two of every three Texas children are now non-Anglo and the trend line will become even more pronounced in the future, said Murdock, former U.S. Census Bureau director and now director of the Hobby Center for the Study of Texas at Rice University.
Today's Texas population can be divided into two groups, he said. One is an old and aging Anglo and the other is young and minority. Between 2000 and 2040, the state's public school enrollment will see a 15 percent decline in Anglo children while Hispanic children will make up a 213 percent increase, he said.

The state's largest county - Harris - will shed Anglos throughout the coming decades. By 2040, Harris County will have about 516, 000 fewer Anglos than lived in the Houston area in 2000, while the number of Hispanics will increase by 2.5 million during the same period, Murdock said. The projection assumes a net migration rate equal to one-half of 1990-2000.

Most of the state's population growth is natural, Murdock told the House Mexican American Legislative Caucus today. About 22 percent of the growth comes from people moving to Texas from other states.

About 6 percent of the state's population is not documented, he said.

By 2040, only 20 percent of the state's public school enrollment will be Anglo, he said. Last year, non-Hispanic white children made up 33.3 percent of the state's 4.8 million public school enrollment.

Of the state's 254 counties, 79 recorded declining population during the past 20 years. All are rural. An additional 30 Texas counties, he said, would have also lost population had they not experienced Hispanic growth.

The state's future looks bleak assuming the current trend line does not change because education and income levels for Hispanics lag considerably behind Anglos, he said.

Unless the trend line changes, 30 percent of the state's labor force will not have even a high school diploma by 2040, he said. And the average household income will be about $6,500 lower than it was in 2000. That figure is not inflation adjusted so it will be worse than what it sounds.

"It's a terrible situation that you are in. I am worried," Murdock said.


2010 Chevrolet Camaro Hamann

2010_Chevrolet_Camaro_Hamann_Two_Door2010 Chevrolet Camaro Hamann Picture

The fine tuner Hamann of Laupheim from the German, of all the new Chevrolet Camaro would tune, probably no one believes, specializes in the tuner but more on BMW, Ferrari, Lamborghini and Porsche. Well, do not even need to think because this is the result of 8 hours of Photoshop, found on Deviantart. Serdo Miletic can be reached as a user with the nick Morfiuss here.

Chevrolet Muscle Cars 365 2008 Camaro

Chevrole-Muscle-Cars-365-2008-CamaroChevrolet Muscle Cars 365 2008 Camaro Photo Shoot

1969 Camaro Muscle Car Red And Black Color

1969_camaro-muscle-car-sport1969 Camaro Muscle Car Red And Black Color Picture

Friday, February 25, 2011

A liberal wakes up: Post Traumatic American Syndrome

Bless her cotton socks - the author of this article, Robyn, is a recovering liberal progressive (hello Robyn) and writes below about why she believes progressives are so unbalanced (personally, I think it's because they're born with a few screws lose, but that's just me). Its refreshing to read the article written by a former demented person who has miraculously seen the light on the right and embraced it - and become normal again. Welcome Robyn! And once again, Berkeley in San Francisco is the hot spot - Berkeley, where they are outraged that the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra is made up of white males! Seems like there's something not right with the water in Berkeley so anyone visiting there you are warned - don't drink the water or look around guiltily in case the PC thought police are watching and waiting for you.... 

I have noticed fewer people around town this past weekend. First I thought it was because of the Presidents Day holiday. Then I realized it was because anarchists were being bused into Wisconsin! More for them, and fewer for us!

The Midwest is getting a bit of a taste of Berkeley life. I'm guessing they are not liking it one bit. The violent, hostile vibe wouldn't sit well with decent Midwestern folks.

Of course, around Berkeley, riots are nothing new; there are street uprisings whenever the spirit moves people.

On Telegraph Avenue, the poor merchants have endured impromptu mayhem for decades. I say "poor" merchants for a reason: most of them are struggling, and, if you've visited the area recently, you'll find that a number of storekeepers have packed up and moved on.

When the infamous BART police shooting occurred a few years ago, there was lawlessness all over downtown Oakland. Cars were destroyed, stores ransacked and looted, and people were injured. Of course, many joined in who weren't motivated by righteous indignation, but by the promise of free jewelry and clothes.

And, when the verdict was announced, there were riots again, because, well, why not? Since the law-abiding don't balk at rampant criminality, there's an incentive to act out. And to borrow from Rahm Emanuel: Never let a crisis go to waste -- especially when you can procure a new television set!

Since I woke up from my leftist stupor two years ago, I've had many epiphanies. Here's one: the Left is comprised of two distinct groups, the abusers and the abused. The dynamics are like any abusive relationship.

Similar to a battered spouse, the abusee will put up with terrible treatment because she's convinced she deserves it. Out here, all the propaganda about social justice leaves citizens drowning in white guilt. They'll do anything, accept even the unacceptable, in order to do atone themselves.

Berkeley has our very own version of the Stockholm Syndrome, where, out of fear for one's survival, people come to admire, even love, their abusers. Berkeleyites will passionately defend the very people who abuse them. ("It wasn't his fault that he robbed and beat me! He's a victim of white imperialism!")

The victims even delude themselves into believing that though they are preyed upon, they are somehow lucky. I hear it all the time out here, "We're so lucky to live in Berkeley! It's so tolerant here!" And I think, tolerant of what, violence? Sociopathy?

As for the abusers, they have been told since they were knee-high that the deck is stacked against them. Consequently, if the whole system is unjust and bogus, why not take advantage of it?

And since society continually excuses and rationalizes their bad behavior, they never learn to take responsibility. They may even become intoxicated with their own power and invincibility.

This is why so much of the crime out here is brazen, right out in broad daylight for all the world to see. For instance, not long ago, a noon client came in and told me that she had just seen a mugging a few feet from my office building.

The fact that there were hordes of people on the street and many witnesses didn't deter the mugger in the least. Why should the miscreant fear the sheep-like unarmed, citizens of Berkeley?

When I analyze why I am one of the rare progressives to ever see the light, I think it's because I never accepted being a sacrificial lamb. I have always been appalled by the wanton criminality around here and the foreboding, uncivil streets.

I even recall writing a passionate letter to the editor bemoaning the unconscionable crime rate -- and I did this twenty years ago! It has always frustrated me that the multitudes are too indoctrinated to defend themselves or others.

With the demonstrations in Wisconsin, the country is getting a sneak preview of what life will be like for everyone if the left prevails. The climate that the left has created in Berkeley will be the norm in Milwaukee and Toledo and all over the country should the left win.

Because the left are not just abusers; they are terrorists, with leaders who engage in or call for terror, including Bill Ayers and Frances Fox Piven.

This is why the Governor and the citizens of Wisconsin must hold strong, and not buckle under pressure. Because in some ways, the country is at a tipping point. As goes Wisconsin, goes the entire nation.

Remember who are the leftists: they kidnapped Patty Hearst from her own house and raped and tortured her; they support the regime that sexually attacked and beat Lara Logan.

The leftists are more ruthless and rapacious than your wildest imagination. They do not simply want your money and your property.

They desire something much more essential: your ability to fight back; the innate belief that you and I and this country are worth fighting for.

They want to crush your self-respect and dignity, to steal the virtues that are hidden deep down in your soul. It's too late for Berkeley. But, Wisconsin, don't give it to them.


At last, a Union leader who is honest - “It’s not because we care about the children”

Ahhh, my favorite institution to hate - Unions. Unions to me are an enigma and I really can't understand how anyone with one working brain cell can belong to one. Each month you pay your dues to your union, who then act on your behalf by negotiating once a year with your employer regarding your salary, perks and bonuses etc. These dues are then used by the unions to pull the strings of the political party that is in THEIR best interest - not yours! So, whether you agree with the unions politics or not, they get to use your own money, in some instances, against you. All the time, they get richer and richer on the back of your hard work - for really doing nothing except fighting with your employer once a year and schmoozing politicians - all done in a fancy suit bought by your money. And I'm not talking little money - it's millions and in some cases billions worth of political clout. And then when they don't get their way, they ask you to strike and lose pay! What an incredible scam. I can't understand why employees don't rather form a staff association to discuss salaries with employers. It would cost nothing and you'd probably get a better deal without all the trouble. Unions are the scourge of the working world and have a lot to account for. In the clip below is an honest union leader, who admits that unions are good advocates because they have power, bought with hundreds of millions in forced union dues, annually. Watch how, once he's admitted it isn't "about the children", the brain-dead wankers stand and clap for him - as if he's just revealed the secret to the universe. He probably could have admitted to killing 2000 people and they'd still be in their liberal trances, clapping away. Nuff said.


Lite moments

Political Cartoons by Nate Beeler

Political Cartoons by Mike Lester

Political Cartoons by Robert Ariail

Political Cartoons by Gary McCoy

Foiled by the winter: The £25,000 eco-classroom that can't be used because solar panels don't provide enough heat

You have to feel sorry for these environmental cooks when reality slaps them in the face with a smelly, 2-day old dead fish. Eco-campaigners, in their haste to have bragging rights to a classroom powered solely by the sun, overlooked the slight, errr.... that there isn't enough bloody sun in North London to heat the room, ain't it? Apparently they forgot to calculate just how much energy would be created by the solar panels and as it turns out, the panels create barely enough energy to power a few lightbulbs. So, the class has been deemed "uninhabitable" for lessons as it's too cold - but I bet it would be just right to house cute, warm and fuzzy farm animals so I guess that must be a plus! Must be so great to be able to blow other people's money on your pet non-working eco-projects, but at least it stopped classroom global warming - literally. Now they're just waiting on the fairies and unicorns to fly in and blow those darn clouds away so the solar panels may be kissed by the sun again....And these same eco-cooks want to run the world on solar and wind?? Good luck with that. Let's see how quickly they all turn to nuclear energy when their toesie-woesies get a little coldy-woldy. BTW - this is the punishment we get for laughing and mocking the Hippie movement in the 60s! They've reincarnated themselves as the Green movement with the same ideals they had back in the free-sex-drugs--rock-n-roll days. And I wasn't even born then - not fair. The London tax payers may be a tad irate, but at least the eco-teachers are ecstatic!

Chill factor: The Living Ark classroom may be eco-friendly but it has proved too cold for lessons to be held in it
The Living Ark classroom - not so alive at the moment

Eco-campaigners who built a classroom powered by the sun believed they were paving the way for the future.

Instead they have been taught a valuable lesson - there is not enough sun in North London to sufficiently heat their building.

The much feted zero-carbon Living Ark classroom was opened three months ago to great fanfare.

It boasts laudable green credentials and is made from sustainable wood, sheep’s wool and soil. The roof is made of mud and grass and it has its own ‘rain pod’ and solar panels.

But there is snag - its solar panels only provide enough energy to power a few lightbulbs.

As a result the classroom is bitterly cold and uninhabitable for lessons.

Parents have branded it ‘useless’, an ‘expensive piece of wood’ and a ‘great idea for the Caribbean’.

The Living Ark was built at Muswell Hill Primary School, North London, at the cost of £25,000.

Local councillors, at Labour run Haringey council, who were behind the initiative, opened it with great fanfare in December as a beacon of their climate change policy.

But today a local parent at the 419-pupil school said teachers weren't allowing pupils into the classroom because it was too cold.

‘What is the point of a classroom that can’t be used when it’s a bit cold outside? My kids have been told it’s too cold for them to use as nobody can figure out how to heat it,’ said the parent, who did not want to be named.

‘This is just an expensive piece of hollowed out wood and no use to anyone. We are living in Britain, not the Caribbean.’

The ‘waste’ of money comes as councils across the country are facing a severe shortage of school places.

By 2018 they will need to find an additional 500,000 primary places due to a population surge.

Charlotte Linacre, Campaign Manager at the TaxPayers’ Alliance, accused the council of wasting money on pet projects which do not benefit pupils.

She said: ‘It’s an awful waste that so much money has been ploughed into this eco-mistake.

‘This project fails to meet the needs of staff and pupils by giving them a classroom that is most useful when the kids are on their summer holidays.

‘Lessons have to be learned at the local authority. They must stop spending taxpayers’ hard earned cash on expensive pet projects that do nothing to improve pupils’ education.

‘All this will teach kids is how poorly planned and costly local authorities projects can be.’

Lib Dem Councillor Gail Engerts said: ‘It is such a shame that, considering the fanfare, it emerges that this facility cannot be used by the children all year round.’

Headteacher Jill Hughes defended the project and said she hoped classes would be held in the classroom when the weather gets warmer.

She said: ‘We’re delighted to have the Living Ark - its a tremendous resource both for the school and the local community and is an important part of the Muswell Hill low carbon zone initiative.’


Getting Down While the World Burns

A good summary below of the true state of the USA nation and the world back in reality - a place that Comrade Obama is shunning. But hey, I hear Mr and Mrs O had a fantastic time at the Motown concert where they boogied on down and celebrated the end of another successful PC libtard give-the-dog-a-bone Black History Month. I mean, is that the only way to try to inspire Blacks African Americans - by trying to revive a dead music movement from a dead city? Is music (and sports) the only things that Blacks can celebrate as any kind of achievement in America? Where are the successful scientists, inventors, engineers, doctors, dentists, mathematicians, farmers etc. to hold high and inspire the Black population? Surely there must be ONE success story that can be celebrated by the brain-dead MSM and WH? Why is it that music and sport seem to be the only areas where African Americans tend to succeed (welfare queues and abortion clinics excluded of course)? And then to chose Motown from Detroit - a city that is the epitome of what happens when its handed on a platter to the African Americans?? Oh, the irony. I'm sure the carefully chosen handful of attendees felt inspired and ready to go conquer those recording booths....that, after all, is where the African America success is measured....bling, bling.

The President has done nothing about the crisis in Libya except give a press conference in which he called the situation “unacceptable,” then proceeded to accept it. He’s holding consultations about having meetings to design a committee that could help the world “speak with one voice to the government and the people of Libya,” a move that will doubtless be appreciated by anyone who survives Qaddafi’s Last Stand. Americans trying to escape the Libyan civil war were left stranded on a chartered ferryboat that was too small to handle the Mediterranean Sea.

Not a word has been uttered from the White House to condemn the fugitive Democrats who acted to shut down democracy in Wisconsin and Indiana. Widespread violence and hatred from union foot soldiers has gone unremarked.

The pirates of Somalia sail through the Indian Ocean and Gulf of Aden with confidence after slaughtering four innocent Americans. Middle Eastern unrest is poised to blow the price of oil into the stratosphere, a death blow to the economy Obama has already crippled, since he has moved forcefully to make us wholly dependent on foreign oil, while Obama cronies – including George Soros, who is what the Left likes to fantasize the Koch Brothers are – stand to make billions from useless “green energy” boondoggles.

His hapless Secretary of Homeland Security gapes in wonder as Americans are murdered on the southern border, while a young Saudi national is caught on the verge of deploying weapons of mass destruction. The nation teeters on the edge of ruin, and the President responds by submitting an absurd dead-on-arrival budget that increases federal spending.

Where is President Obama during all this? He’s enjoying the sounds of Motown at a star-studded White House event.

As the Associated Press reports, “The White House reverberated like a long-ago basement sound studio in Detroit on Thursday as the likes of John Legend, Seal, Jamie Foxx, Nick Jonas and Sheryl Crow channeled their inner Motown before Michelle and Barack Obama.” Other performers at this grand affair included Natasha Bedingfield, Smokey Robinson, Jordin Sparks, and Stevie Wonder. If you were not in attendance, don’t worry – you can watch the whole thing next Tuesday, on taxpayer-subsidized PBS.

To emphasize the historic importance of this White House concert, the President declared, “At concerts in the South, Motown groups literally brought people together - insisting that the ropes traditionally used to separate black and white audience members be taken down.” Back here in 2011, Obama’s loyal union supporters are howling racist, sexist, and homophobic insults into the faces of all who dare oppose them, and the President is utterly silent.

First Lady Michelle Obama got back from her lavish President’s Day ski retreat in Vail just in time to enjoy the concert. “As Motown rose, so did the forces of change in this country,” she declared. “During that time, it was the time of King and Kennedy, it was a time of marches and rallies and groundbreaking civil rights laws.” How many of those groundbreaking laws were passed by cowardly legislators who fled their states to avoid tough votes?

Presidents host big parties at the White House all the time. No one would begrudge Obama a bit of ceremonial elegance if he wasn't completely MIA during major crises. The sounds of Motown are indeed sweet, and historic, but last night they vanished into a howling void of leadership.

Savor the bitter irony of the President taking the night off in the midst of national and global crises, many of his own making, to enjoy the music of a city that has been utterly destroyed by fifty years of his Party’s governance. At least we know there was nobody in the Oval Office doing anything important that might have been disrupted by all the noise.


South Africa: Drop the “darkie” defence’s well past its best before date.

Every now and then David Bullard writes a piece of satirical gold. The article below is in reaction to a comment made by the South African Higher Education Minister (snigger, snigger), Blade Nzimande in Parliament a few days back. Comrade Nzimande said the following: 
“If the matric results are bad, this is taken as proof that this government of DARKIES is incapable. If the matric pass rate goes up, it means the results have been manipulated by these DARKIES.”
Now, imagine if the DA opposition party, lead by a white woman, had said the same thing about the government? One can only dream....but back in reality, the thought police would have had her out on the streets, disgraced and vilified for being racist - she may even have been necklaced (no, dear international readers, not the good kind). But, because it's the ANC, they of course find nothing wrong with his "darkie" remarks (actually, neither do I - call a spade a spade in my books). In any case, the bigger picture is that people have dared to question the almost unbelievably fantastic rise in the matric pass rate last year - I mean, the jump was so dramatic that people actually wondered whether the results were manipulated or if the quality of exam papers was so poor that my 5 year old nephew, who can't read or write, could pass them with 110%. The ANC have reassured the sheeple of South Africa that it's because of the brilliant education system they've managed to screw up put into place over the last 17 years - nothing more, nothing less. I, of course, believe them completely and you doubters out there should be ashamed of yourselves.....

iol news pic Blade Nzimande feb 17
The esteemed "Higher Education Minister" Blade Nzimande
Blade Nzimande, excitable darkie, luxury car driving commie and part time minister for higher education, is absolutely right to be angry and frustrated when coconuts from opposition parties blame this “government of darkies” when matric results are poor and then accuse the same darkies of rigging the results when they appear to be good. As far as poor Blade is concerned it’s a lose lose situation. It’s telling though that the ANC “darkie” government is even perceived by one of its own ministers as being extremely low on credibility. Why else would Blade have made such a remark in parliament?
It is the job of an opposition to put the government of the day in as difficult a position as possible. So Nzimande shouldn’t be too surprised about the charges of rigging the matric results. What he should be concerned about is whether there is any truth in the accusation. Judging by his over-reaction there may well be reasons to believe that the ANC has fiddled the matric results to make them look better but isn’t that what any government would do? It’s not just “darkie governments” that manipulate statistics. I know of quite a few “ governments of whiteys” that cook the books, tell a few fibs, release terrorists because they want to do an oil deal, massage crime statistics etc etc. So poor old Blade mustn’t take on so and imagine that the ANC have unique bragging rights when it comes to sleaze and dishonesty. Compared with most European governments the ANC are mere babes in arms although, it has to be said, they learn fast. That in itself is a tribute to the education system.

Now, back to the superb matric results of last year. Whether they were rigged or not actually doesn’t matter a damn because all will eventually come out in the wash. For example, if you drop basic education standards to allow more students to pass matric the next thing you have to do is to persuade the universities to drop their standards and admit obviously unsuitable students. So, let’s assume that has happened and the universities are now no longer institutions of learning but institutions designed to make a whole lot of people feel good about going to university. It would be unthinkable (and racist) to fail students who had been previously disadvantaged so the universities are given a racial quota to let them know the percentage of students from the various race groups expected to get a degree. With that end in mind it’s then possible to design a course that is virtually impossible to fail while also allowing students time to trash the campus, smash up the bathrooms, set fire to the administration offices and all those good things that make university life so rewarding. Blade’s happy. Everyone’s happy.

Only now does a problem arise. Those students who have been conned into thinking they passed a decent matric and got a real degree now have to go out into the workplace with those bits of paper and compete with other job seekers. Since commercial enterprises have to make profits to survive they are unlikely to be quite as accommodating as universities dependant on government funding. Within a very short space of time the weaknesses of a flawed education system will be revealed because it’s impossible to fool all the people all the time in the business world. Obviously the government can intervene (as they have) by insisting that companies employ their quota of “darkies” but that doesn’t real help matters in the long term. It’s just part of the feel good factor instilled at university. Eventually the market place decides and inefficient companies don't survive. Look at the current problems at Nokia for an excellent example of competition at work.

If we expect South African companies to make their way in the world then they need to have access to the best and brightest brains available. That cannot possibly happen if we drop our education standards below that of other countries. In fact, by doing so we are dealing our young people a double whammie. They won’t be employable here and they certainly won’t be employable anywhere else in the world.

If the standard of education in this country was the envy of other countries then there would have been no need for Blade to have made his “darkie” comments. The fact that he was so defensive suggests that he is well aware that our education system is almost as sickly as our health system. And that has absolutely nothing to do with the skin colour of the’s just down to pure ineptitude. The “darkie” defence used by the likes of Blade Nzimande should be treated with the disdain it deserves.


South Africa: Sinking deeper into mediocrity

An article by Prof Jonathen Jansen, Rector of the University of the Free State on the state of the education system in South Africa. Prof Jansen, a colored man, who grew up, lived and was educated under Apartheid, now sits in a position where he has to decide who attends his university. The ANC government of South Africa, has dropped the education standard to such a degree that students who can't even manage a score of 50% are expecting a spot in higher learning - because they are entitled to it, what with being previously disadvantaged and all. Guess what Mr and Ms Previously Disadvantaged - even under Apartheid, blacks were expected to work for their university places. South Africa churned out many degreed blacks under Apartheid - blacks who can now work anywhere in the world on that ticket. But, not today. Today's whiny, self-pitying blacks regularly play the race card to every entitlement they can get their grubby little paws on, which, once again, allows them to get something for nothing. If the ANCs goal was to produce an endless supply of stupid below-average workers to the economy then they have succeeded brilliantly. And the best thing is that these same blacks, who may want to better themselves overseas can't do so because of their below-average education that they received under their black government. Karma sure is a biatch.

Jonathan Jansen
Jonathan Jansen
I have in front of me the 2010 "Statement of Results" for the National Senior Certificate statement of a youngster who demands to study at university.
They are: Afrikaans 43, English 39, mathematical literacy 38, life orientation 78, business studies 41, computer applications technology 31, life sciences 28

At the bottom of the certificate is this unbelievable statement: "The candidate qualifies for the national senior certificate and fulfils the minimum requirements for . admission to higher education."

Understandably, this young woman takes these words literally, and correctly demands a seat in any place of higher learning. With the young woman's claim to study I have no problem. With the society that sets the bar for performance so low, I have serious problems.

Slowly, slowly we are digging our collective graves as we fall into a sinkhole of mediocrity from which we are unlikely to emerge.

We make excellence sound like a white thing. Behind a massive wave of populism, and in the misguided name of regstelling (setting right the past), we open access to resources and universities to young people without the hard work necessary to achieve those gifts and to succeed once there. Of course, you're a racist if you question this kind of mindlessness; how else do you, as a politician, defend yourself against the critics of mediocrity in an election year?

I miss Steve Biko. In the thinking of black consciousness, he would have railed against the low standards we set for black achievement, in the language of the 1970s.

This young (incidentally black) person did not achieve anything above 50% in her Senior Certificate results for any exam subject, but we tell her she can proceed to higher studies. What are we saying? That black students are somehow less capable and therefore need these pathetic results to access higher education? No, I am sorry, but today I am angry about the messages we send our children.

I saw black parents and students squirm the other night when I addressed a racially diverse group of parents and students and made this point clear: "If a black student requires from you different treatment and lower academic demands because of an argument about disadvantage, tell them to take a hike." (Okay, I used stronger language.)

I saw white teachers squirm when I made the other important point: "If you have lower academic expectations of black children because of what they look like, or where they come from, that is the worst kind of racism."

Our society, schools and universities have adjusted expectations downwards, especially in relation to black students, and that is dangerous in a country with so much promise for excellence.

As stories come rolling in from across the country for our Great South African Teachers book, I am struck by one thing. That many black professionals who are chartered accountants, medical scientists or corporate lawyers tell of attending ordinary public schools under apartheid, often in rural areas, and having teachers at the time who, despite the desperate poverty and inequality, held high expectations of their learners. There was no compromising on academic standards; there was homework every day; there was punishment for low performance; and there was constant motivation to rise above your circumstances.

Not today. Mathematical literacy is a cop-out, a way of compensating for poor maths teaching in the mainstream. Parents of Grade 9 children, listen carefully - do not let your school force your child into mathematical literacy because they will struggle to find access to academic degree studies at serious universities. Insist your child does mathematics in Grade 10 for that important choice determines what your child writes in Grade 12.

It is not, of course, mathematical literacy that I am concerned about; there are good teachers of the subject. It is about the message we send: that children can't do maths.

In other words, a message again communicated of low expectations. Do not buy into this culture of mediocrity in the way your child makes subject choices. Also, tell your child not to take life orientation seriously; as you can see in the above results, there is no positive relationship between high marks in academic subjects and this thing called life orientation.

Small wonder young people with better results than those above are without work. The marketplace, and serious universities, know this child will not succeed with these kinds of results, even if Umalusi does not "get it".


Thursday, February 24, 2011

Vienna Philharmonic must answer for exclusion

Oh wow - I am not often left speechless, but having read this piece of jornalistic trash, I must admit I was at a loss for words. Believe me when I say that I had to re-write my intro a few times to remove the more "colorful" language I first used.

This "journalist" - and I use the term VERY lightly - from the San Francisco Chronicle, has a paying job, where he can write a vile, racist, sexist piece and  pollute the world with his unwanted opinion. He is upset that the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra is made up of White men (apart from 4 females)! Mr Joshua Kosman - last I looked it was a free world and we don't need to pander to your libtard measurements, where everything is scrutinised to see how many different races and sexes there are represented everywhere. You don't get to squeal like a little pink pig when there isn't a MINORITY on the team. You call it "racial and sexual discrimination" - and I call you a tosser. You are an example of what is wrong in this world with your air of self-importance, yet vacuous non-opinion. Just reading your piece of racist filth is enough to make me pop an optic vein. Have you ever thought that the reason the VPO is one of the finest orchestras is the world is because of it's history and culture - an orchestra made great because of its team members?? What would make you happy Mr Kosman? Would destroying this orchestra so that you, a turd living in San Francisco, can have your little minority and a few more females on the team? Would that make Joshy Woshy happy? I tell you what, why don't you round up a few non-White males and some females and form your own "representative" orchestra and show the VPO how it's done - instead of whining about it, like the coward you are - in the newspaper? Until then, take your stupid one-eye biased view and shove it where your head apparently resides. I urge all of you out there to email Mr Kosman and let him know how much you value his anti-white views:

Here is one of the better comments in reply to the original article:
This must be a hoax, right ? I mean, it's actually from the Onion, not the San Francisco Chronicle ?
What's important about a classical orchestra is its music. Not the race or sex of its members.
It's called the Vienna Philarmonic Orchestra, right ? Well, guess what, most people in Vienna are Austrian. Meaning, white Europeans. If you have a problem with that, then don't listen to the Vienna Philarmonic. Go buy tickets to the Zimbabwe Philarmonic instead. That is, if you can find such a thing.
Oh, and about this Beethoven gentleman you mention. I'm sorry to break the news to you, but he was a man. A white man. I'm sure that must sound horribly sexist and racist to you.
That said, if you prefer hip-hop, nobody forces you to listen to Beethoven. Just don't whine about the fact that classical music is a white, European thing.

The world-renowned Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra consists... Terry Linke

The Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra, which arrives in Berkeley this week for a three-concert series that marks its first Bay Area visit in more than 20 years, is by common agreement one of the finest orchestras in the world. It's composed of some of the leading instrumentalists of Europe, their individual musical voices fused into a seamless communal sound that is steeped in a century and a half of tradition.

As it happens, all but four of those musicians are men, and all of them are white. Should this concern us?

That, I believe, is a legitimate question. And here's another: How on earth could it not?

American music lovers ought to be having a real debate about just what it means for an artistic edifice so grand and arresting to be built on a foundation of more-or-less explicit sexual and racial discrimination.

Perhaps there's no problem here. For all we know, there may be some musical performances that can only be produced by an orchestra of white men; and it may also be that those performances are so illuminating, so transcendent, that they trump the fundamental American values of equal opportunity and fairness. I'd love to hear someone make that case.

What we can't do, though, is pretend that the VPO is an orchestra just like any other. It's not. It's the living embodiment of an exclusionary philosophy that should, at the very least, give any thoughtful person pause.

The VPO's commitment to its distinctive personnel policies goes back a long way, but only became a matter of discussion relatively recently. Until 1997, women were officially barred from membership in the orchestra (they could perform with the orchestra, but they couldn't join the official roster).

Organized protests

Then, in the face of some organized protests during an American tour, the orchestra, which is self-governing, relented - a little. One woman, a harpist who had been an adjunct of the orchestra for decades, was admitted to the ranks.

That event was greeted with suitably cautious optimism, but subsequent developments - a grudging increase from one woman to four, including one of the orchestra's four concertmasters - do not suggest that any essential change has taken place. That's why the subject is still alive 14 years later.

The ban on racial minorities - which, in the context of the European musical scene, basically means Asians - has been unstated but even more determined. An attempt to parse the names on the orchestra's current roster suggests the possibility of one part-Japanese violinist, but otherwise the sea of white faces that will fill the stage of Zellerbach Hall promises to be unbroken.

That very homogeneity, according to one view, is what lends the VPO its distinctive character - it's a feature, not a bug. In a 1996 radio interview, for example, transcribed and translated by the musicologist William Osborne, one member described the orchestra's demographic makeup as an essential component of its style.

"The way we make music here is not only a technical ability, but also something that has a lot to do with the soul," he said. "The soul does not let itself be separated from the cultural roots that we have here in central Europe. And it also doesn't allow itself to be separated from gender."

To his credit, the speaker went on to acknowledge the obvious fact that the orchestra's policies are both sexist and racist - but added that he believed these ills to be worth accepting. I would respectfully disagree.

In all honesty, it's not obvious how to respond on a practical basis to this imbroglio. On one level, I'm grateful to Cal Performances for bringing the orchestra here, and I can't deny that I'm looking forward to hearing the concerts.

But at the very least, I'd expect that the proponents of the VPO's policies should be compelled to defend them - frequently, vigorously and consistently. Surely the default position in America should be an opposition to blatant discrimination, and the burden of proof should be on those who favor it.

Easy complacency

Yet that hasn't happened. If the VPO's exclusionary policies are a scandal, so too is the easy complacency with which they have been accepted by audiences and promoters in this country throughout the decades that the orchestra has toured here.

Yes, there have been protests, and the occasional voice raised in opposition. Osborne, most notably, together with the International Alliance for Women in Music, has led a long and valiant effort to bring attention to the situation.

But all too often, the matter has been greeted with a collective shrug, and the opposition met in turn with hostility. The prevailing attitude seems to be that issues of politics and morality - the sort of issues that most people can perceive clearly in connection with, say, corporate glass ceilings or the patronage of lunch counters - are suddenly off limits where music is concerned.

There is something unsettling and sad about this sort of glib aestheticism - the view that anything can be justified in the name of art - because the truth is precisely the opposite. To exempt music, and art in general, from moral considerations is not to protect it at all, but to marginalize it and rob it of any ability to engage on a human level.

Or to put the matter more bluntly: How can a performance of Beethoven's Ninth Symphony truly give voice to the composer's all-embracing humanism when the performing ensemble, by its very nature, stands in opposition to those values?


'No One Should Live Below A Certain Income Level,' U.N. Secretary-General Says

Praise the Lord for the UN! What would we do without these communists "social justice" martyrs?? They only need 2% of global GDP to ensure that everyone on planet Earth lives comfortably in cloud lala-land with the other lefty socialists, unicorns and fairies. But, darn, my logical brain just doesn't understand how this is going to be implemented so that everyone going forward will live in this utopia forever- maybe someone can help me out? According to the UN, we all reach utopia when everyone is GIVEN basic services and a "decently" paying job. Just how does the UN think that giving services, food and money to people who haven't worked for it in the first place, is going to work long term? Nations will just stop working because the UN is going to give them free money, free sanitation, free food, free EVERYTHING so that we all can feel good about ourselves. But just who is going to foot this enormous bill? Last I looked, when you get anything for free you tend to not to want to pay for it the next time round and you get LAZIER. But, hey, that's just my ignorance shining through! I'm sure the UN knows what's best for us! Yes, third worlders and Islam nations, continue popping out those kiddies - the UN and the stupid, gullible West will fund your upkeep. Heck, I'm going to return to work right now so that I can work harder for your free everything! And to think this Ban Ki-Moonbat is being serious...

The United Nations, which marked a "World Day of Social Justice" on Sunday, Feb. 20, is calling for a "new era" in which all the people of the world have access to basic services and "decently" paying jobs.

According to the U.N., 80 percent of the world’s people lack “adequate social protection.”

To eliminate the problem, the U.N. is trying to establish what it calls a global "social protection floor." Such a “floor” would guarantee food security, health services for all, and old-age pensions for the 80 percent of the world’s people believed to lack such protections.

In his message urging “social justice for all,” U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said, “No one should live below a certain income level, and everyone should have access to essential public services such as water and sanitation, health and education.”

Juan Somavia, the U.N.’s International Labour Organization (ILO) director-general, said the recent protests in the Middle East show the linkage between social justice and national stability: “As Tunisia and Egypt are showing us, jobs and justice, bread and dignity, protection and democracy, national and global security are not unrelated demands,” Somavia said in his message ahead of World Social Justice Day. “What happens in the future will very much depend on whether the connections are recognized and acted upon.”

Somavia said “decent employment opportunities” are a “vital plank” in achieving social justice. He noted that more than 200 million people are unemployed worldwide, including nearly 80 million young people.

The ILO says it would “only take 2 percent of global GDP” [gross domestic product] to provide security systems for all the world’s poor.

Delegations from all 183 ILO member nations are scheduled to meet in June to draw up a long-term strategy for establishing a “social protection floor.”

That floor would rest on four “entitlements,” the U.N. said, as follows:
-- basic income security for children;
-- access to some social assistance for people of working age that prevents them from falling into absolute food poverty;
-- a basic old-age pension for people over a certain age;
-- and essential health services for all.


Union education at its best?

I hope this one isn't a teacher.....


Obama gets out of way of gay marriage

Obama has instructed his fellow communist brother-in-arms, Attorney General Eric Holder, not to prosecute cases pertaining to the Defense of Marriage Act signed into law by Billy-Bob Clinton, which states that marriage is between a man and a woman. Apparently Obama feels that this law is unconstitutional! Oh, I see how it works - the President of the USA may cherry pick which laws he agrees with and supports, and any others he doesn't agree with may be ignored! Wow - no wonder he passed law school and became the editor of the campus glad-rag and "Professor" of community organising. I thought that when the POTUS gets sworn in, he pledges to uphold the laws of the United States and protect the Constitution?? Guess I was wrong. When is this joke going to be impeached?

The Obama administration announced Wednesday that it had withdrawn its legal support for the federal Defense of Marriage Act, stating that the law is unconstitutional and therefore the administration is under no obligation to defend it.

Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. said in a statement released Wednesday that President Obama has decided that his administration will cease its defense of DOMA’s Section 3, which defines marriage for federal purposes as a legal union between one man and one woman.

Even before Wednesday’s decision, social conservatives were suspicious of the Obama administration‘s willingness to give its best effort, as the executive branch tasked with defending the laws Congress enacts, in lawsuits challenging the Defense of Marriage Act.

The act, signed into law by President Clinton in 1996, also says that no state is obligated to recognize same-sex marriages contracted in other states.

“The president has concluded that given a number of factors, including a documented history of discrimination, classifications based on sexual orientation should be subject to a more heightened standard of scrutiny,” Mr. Holder said. “The president has also concluded that Section 3 of DOMA, as applied to legally married same-sex couples, fails to meet that standard and is therefore unconstitutional. Given that conclusion, the president has instructed the department not to defend the statute in such cases. I fully concur with the president’s determination.”

Read more here

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Julia Gillard's carbon tax a betrayal

Australia is angry - Australia is angry that its clueless socialist Labor government is running the country into the ground. Under Howard's Liberal (conservative) government, Australians were living very well thank you. But Australians got bored with their well-oiled government which managed to save $20 billion after paying off the previous Labor governments $$$ billions of debt. Along came a funny little man called Kevin Rudd - who sounded as if he knew what he was talking about (haha) - and the majority of the country fell in love with him and voted for him. Lo and behold, 2 years into his term, Ruddy was shafted by Red Gillard and she won the election last year by the plaque on her teeth - depending on 3 independents and the Greens to get her into power. And because the Greens have Gillard over a barrel, they have demanded a carbon price for their vote. A day before the last election, Gillard said that there would "not be a carbon tax under any government I lead". Gullible Australians believed her and voted for her and her new Green buddies. And now they will pay a carbon tax on top of all the other taxes they pay (wonder what her “working” families are going to say about this?). This will not end well. Australia not only has to survive natural disasters, but now Australia also needs to survive this incompetent government. As a result of a bored electorate, from 1 July 2012, Australians will be paying a carbon price – and we still don’t know how much it will be. Figures being bandied about are $300 on our annual electricity bills and 6.5cents on a litre of petrol – but I suspect a lot more because when electricity and petrol goes up, so does 100% of everything else. But! Of course not everyone will actually be paying their fair share. As any good socialist government does, they will tax electricity (for example), which forces the electricity companies to raise their prices. The tax generated from the raised prices is then returned to low income families in the form of a "subsidy" so they can pay for the higher prices! Ingenious! So, any way you look at it, it is robbing the rich/middle classes (non- welfare claimers) to pay for the poor and who already suck off the welfare teat. Classic Socialism 101. Why do we bother to work when our government will look after us??? 

Gillard and her merry Socialists

JULIA Gillard's announcement of a fixed cost attached to carbon pollution was "an utter betrayal of the Australian people" as the Prime Minister had previously ruled out a carbon tax, Opposition Leader Tony Abbott said today.

Mr Abbott said the "price of this betrayal will be paid every day by every Australian," claiming $300 a year will be added to household electricity bills, and a 6.5 cents a litre rise in petrol prices.

"We will fight this tax every second of every hour of every day of every month. I think there will be a people's revolt against this tax," he said.

"I think the Australian public will see this as an assault on their standard of living," he said.

He said the Greens were really leading the Government on the issue.

The Prime Minister today announced that from July 1 next year there will be a fixed cost attached to carbon pollution which will evolve into a floating market price for emissions.
The fixed price would be enforced for up to five years before the transition to price competition.

She outlined the basic structure of the Government's climate change mechanism and said all revenue would go to compensating households and business, and funding renewable energy programs.

But the size of the initial price and the magnitude of compensation payments have not been calculated yet.

The Prime Minister made clear that activities which caused pollution would become more expensive: "That is the whole point."

Ms Gillard compared the program to the economy change caused by the industrial revolution and said Australia could not afford to be left behind.

"The global economy is shifting," she said in a statement.

"Right now, Australia is at risk of falling behind the rest of the world. The longer we wait, the greater the cost to the economy, and the greater the cost to Australian jobs."

Read more here