Tuesday, February 15, 2011

USA Somali's: Violence linked to immigrant-help programs

I haven't posted the entire article here, but it makes for interesting reading so please go ahead and click on the link below to read the rest.

Who would've thunk? Bring in thousands of uncivilised savages and all of a sudden crime is rampant! Somali's can't even look after themselves in their own country, let alone in a civilised country. What do people think? That if you uproot a bunch of savages and put them in a nice, clean neighbourhood then everything will be fine and dandy?? If you're a liberal then you'll be nodding your head and be offended with me for calling them savages. If you're a common sense person (conservative) then you'll be thinking: "just how stupid is America?". But America, don't feel alone! You're not the only country to be "culturally" enriched by these people. Australia, Canada, New Zealand, UK, Europe-et-al etc. all have been blessed with their wonderful tolerance and super-duper manners (just ignore the criminal gangs and bashings that routinely happens). As Obama says, he'd like to bring in another 80 000 this year so your tax money is sure to go to a worthy cause...or most likely will end up being funnelled to a Somali terrorist group linked to al-Qaida...Move along, nothing to see here.

Over the past decade, the United Nations, U.S. Department of State's Office of Refugee Resettlement and a wide range of immigrant advocates including religious organizations have been answering the desires expressed by Muslims in Somalia and bringing thousands into the United States.

The result? Violence and social conflict is on the rise where large groups have settled in Minneapolis; Seattle; Nashville; Shelbyville, Tenn.; Garden City, Kan.; Emporia, Kan.; St. Louis and Greeley, Colo.

The situations make trained observers wonder how could such situations develop. Just a year ago a 26-year-old Somali man was sought as a "person of interest" in the killings of the mother of his child and three others. And authorities just a few weeks back indicted 29 members of the Somali Outlaws, Somali Mafia and Lady Outlaws for trafficking in sex slaves in Minnesota and in Tennessee.

The problem, experts suggest, is that the societal standards in the Islam-dominated Somalia and the United States are too different to simply transplant those, even the needy, from one place to the other without someone standing in the gap and offering guidance.

For example, in Somalia, Muslims periodically behead Christians simply for being Christian. Other members of the community are stoned for offenses such as adultery. Women are beaten for failing to cover themselves according to Muslim doctrine.

Meanwhile, the programs facilitating the flood of Somalians moving from Africa to the United States are described as "humanitarian."

Importing violence

After all, since Somalia gained its independence as a U.N. protectorate some 50 years ago, it has been a hotbed of violence and social chaos. With no functioning government, it is run by a network of vicious clan warlords, sea-going pirates, khat-smoking terrorists and their friends.

Critics suggest that those factors, clan rivalries, religious beliefs and social customs, have been brought directly into the U.S. along with the immigrants, and those create huge conflicts.


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