Sunday, February 13, 2011

U2's Bono: It's OK to sing “Kill The Boer” song which calls for White genocide

OK then - if King Bono says it's OK then it must be OK! I mean, let's not look too closely at what is happening to the White South African Boers. Let's glance over the fact that over 3000 farmers/workers/family members have been murdered since 1994 - more times than not, brutally murdered - and put it down to just a matter of coincidence and in no way should be associated with a song that calls for killing of Boers/farmers (and can be broadly extended to all White South Africans). All bow down to King Bono - the icon of the left. That bastion of morals and integrity - whose own organisation has been found to contribute only 1% of monies raised to actual humanitarian causes. This sack of excrement has the audacity to compare a genocide song to a few pub songs sung by the Irish? Is he for real?? Mr Bonehead - please go live on a South African farm for ONE NIGHT (remember to take the wife and kids) and then come and tell me how you slept. And I don't mean one surrounded by electric fences; guard dogs; movement sensors etc. - I mean a real farm, where it's only the farmer and his gun that stand between being savagely murdered for nothing. And then people wonder why NO ONE respects the left. They are a bunch of narcissistic wankers, who run and hide in their ivory towers when things get tough. They're like naughty monkeys - they only come out of their trees to cause mayhem and then run back up to escape being caught. Bono - you are a simple minded fool that will climb into bed with any Marxist terrorist because you think it's cool. Shame on you. But thank you as well, because this story has only helped to highlight what is happening in South Africa!! Wankers unite - they have blood on their hands...

Rock singer Bono has said that the ANC anthem “Kill the Boer,” which has been banned as hate speech in South Africa, is ok to sing – under the right circumstances.

“I was a kid and I’d sing songs I remember my uncles singing… rebel songs about the early days of the Irish Republican Army,” the U2 frontman told South Africa’s Sunday Times.

“We sang this and it’s fair to say it’s folk music… as this was the struggle of some people that sang it over some time,” he said, after singing an old Irish song whose lyrics spoke of carrying guns and readying them for action.

However, Bono added that singing the song could only be acceptable, given the right perspective and circumstances.

"Would you want to sing that in a certain community? It’s pretty dumb,” he said.

“It’s about where and when you sing those songs. There’s a rule for that kind of music.”

The song was revived in 2009 by ANCYL Julius Malema, who sang it at several demonstrations directed at White groups in the country. Despite insistences from the ruling ANC Party that “Kill the Boer” is a legitimate part of their historical battle against Apartheid, a South African High Court banned the song as hate speech in March 2010 because it directs violence against a particular ethnic group, the White-Afrikaner-Boer.

Tensions surrounding the debate over the song have been blamed by some in playing a role in inciting the murder of AWB leader Eugene Terre’Blanche in April 2010. The two Black farmer workers accused of the murder claim they are innocent.

Bono, whose next concert in South Africa is scheduled for February 18 in Cape Town, was part of the Artists United Against Apartheid movement in the late 1980s. That group raised more than US$1 million by releasing a record calling for artists to not perform in the resort town of Sun City.


Here is that genius, Julius Malema, singing his favorite little tune: 'Kill the Boer, Kill the Farmer" and preaching to his loyal followers about democracy (hahaha). Mr Genius Malema, got H's for most of his subjects at school - so needless to say, he's a certifiable genius and a grand example of the fine adults South Africa is producing and who manage to make their way to a position of power and corrupt money...


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