Monday, March 7, 2011


I love me some good news! Angry White Dude (AWD) has a good post on the woeful ratings of Oprah Winfrey's new TV network, OWN. AWD has a way with words and I really couldn't have said it better. There's nothing like reading about how another liberal phony gets a dose of ratings reality. Oprah's star fell from the sky the day she backed Mr Hope 'n Change officially - the only politician she has publically endorsed (wonder why....). A few weeks ago, during an interview with CNN, when asked how she thought Mr Hopey was doing she replied that she couldn't say as she hadn't been keeping an eye on his presidency! This from an astute business woman?? Yeah right Oprah, you can fool some of the people some of the time....In any case, all those millions (from other people) that she donated to Mr Hopey has come to naught - but I bet Mr Hopey watches her channel!! After all, Chicago gangsters people look out for each other...

Oprah Winfrey’s new television network isn’t doing too well. The Oprah Winfrey Network (OWN) has ratings lower than the Antique Porcelain Buttons (from 1800-1815) Collectors Channel. Another way of saying it is the OWN better pick up a few more viewers or it will soon be the disOWNed Network.

Oprah has lost a lot of popularity since campaigning and endorsing her fellow Chicago homey Hussein Hopenchange in 2008. Oprah has stood by Hussein and his Twinkie-scarfing wife throughout Obama’s entire disastrous administration. This has cost Oprah viewers who can think for themselves. Those viewers previously thought of Oprah as their hip, cool, non-ghetto black friend they could share some time with in the spirit of diversity during the afternoon. Now they realize Oprah is another sistah who is loyal to her pigment first and has a radical leftist ideology. Or in Obama’s words….typical!

Oprah will never be the star she once was. She’s lost the white independent and conservative women forever. Look for Oprah to go harder left and begin to become more beholden to the ghetto black community in the future. Maybe she’ll convert to Islam. Like Hussein, hard-core leftists, ghetto blacks and Muslims are all they have left.

Only 135,000 viewers watch the Oprah Winfrey Network at any given time…and most of those are in correctional institutions where they have no control over what they can watch. Only 45,000 women 25-54, a key demographic for Oprah, watch OWN. I think Dancing With Al Gore on the Douche Bag Channel has more female viewers. This is a big disappointment for Oprah’s partner, the Discovery Channel, who has discovered Oprah is a washed up, leftist who has been fully exposed to her most valuable demographic. The OWN replaced Discovery Health. To show how pathetic Discovery Health was…its most popular program was “Mr. Appendix – Our Friend or Someone We Wish Would Go Away?”

The Oprah Winfrey Network’s show lineup has not helped much either. Some of the more popular shows are:
- High Impact Aerobic Tune-Up with Master Trainer Michael Moore
- Black, Fat and Loud! (or in other words, 95% of ghetto black women)
- The Three Oprah Food Staples – Grits, Grits and More Grits!
- Oprah and Gayle Go Camping! (I didn’t make that one up. It’s on Ooooh girl, Oprah be a lebanese!!! I’m a tell it!!)
- Fat or Skinny This Month? Oprah’s Starving and Binge-Eating Secrets!!
- Viewers Choice – Discussion on Geo-political, Macro-Economics Or Watch Oprah Eat a Cheesecake?
- Oprah’s Fashion Update – Make Those Flannel Shirts Sexy, Grrrrls!
- Chef Oprah – What Goes Good With Grits? – Cheese? Butter? More Grits?? Yummm!
- Workout With Oprah! Minimizing Steps To and From the Kitchen!!

As you can see, OWN is in trouble. Oprah was a lot like Obama. They both faked who they were to achieve what they wanted. And they were good phonies. But now they both have a track record and people with brains (not liberals) will not forget. Oprah proved AWD’s statement that pigment in the black community is stronger than everything else. Making her living and fortune in Chicago, Oprah knew about all of Obama’s shady dealings with mobsters, attending “church” with a black racist preacher, being friends with communist terrorists, etc. Oprah, the smiling hip black friend (who was really just like one of us!) knew all of this! Yet, she chose to back him knowing he is a piece of dirt! Because underneath all the layers of fat, makeup and phoniness, she is a hard-core leftist poison just like Obama!

Other than pizza and the blues, nothing good comes from Chicago!


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