Monday, March 14, 2011

Pakistan council protests use of padded bras by Muslim women

Islam - the religion that keeps giving us funny items to post (thanks!). Pakistani Muslim researchers need to invent a bra that makes the female chest area unnoticeable. Why is this necessary you may ask? Well, Muslim men find the sale of colorful and padded bras very disturbing and they have taken protest action! BTW - who sits and thinks these 'insults' out? Mind you, don't those black tents with the eye slits the females are 'encouraged' to wear already hide any assets they may have? So now American aid Pakistani tax money may be used (in the form of a research grant), to develop a bra that makes a women's chest unnoticeable and thereby, newly Sharia law compliant (nothing like making up laws on the trot). Ummmm....wonder who's going to do the research? Hey, Pakistani government, just hand me the money. All they have to do is to squash and bind the women's Devil cushions tightly against their chest (so what if they can't breathe) and, hey presto, no more problem! I mean, if the females are subjected to the torture of wearing those black tents, then they may as well go the whole slog and really punish them for being women.

The Council of Islamic Ideology in Pakistan has protested the use of padded and colourful bras by Muslim women, and recommended that Pakistani Muslim researchers should try to invent an innerwear that makes female assets unnoticeable.

The council held a meeting late February in light of the protests held last month by the Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam (JUI) and other religious parties against the increasing import and eventual use of padded and colourful bras, Roznama Jawani reports.

The council also invited shop owners who were in the business of importing and selling female underwear, advising them to bring lingerie samples, so that the council could see about what the protesters were angry.

After the meeting was over, the council released a recommendation to the media that said: "Padded bras are Devil's cushions and he likes to rest of them. The Council of Islamic Ideology is recommending that Pakistani Muslim researchers should try to invent a bra that makes the female chest area unnoticeable."

Zakir Naik, one of the leading Islamic scholars commented that if the Pakistan government approves of the funding grant for this research and if the country is successful at making such a bra that makes the chest of women unnoticeable, Pakistan might become the biggest exporter for Shariah compliant underwear.

Naik said he would personally sign and send the first of these Shariah-bra to starlet Veena Malik and television host Ali Saleem, best known by his alter ego Begum Nawazish Ali.


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